


美式发音: [ˈæmˌtræk] 英式发音: [ˈæmtræk]



na.1.the company that controls the railroads that carry passengers in the U.S.


2.美国铁路公司令美国铁路公司(Amtrak)纽约至华盛顿的列车望洋兴叹 中国明年新增贷款目标可能不低于今年 HKH盘点:中国六大最忙和六大 …

3.铁路客运公司国营铁路客运公司(AMTRAK)是在各铁路公司的客运业务严重衰退的情况下出现的。由于公路客运和航空业务的竞争,铁路客运 …

4.美国铁路客运公司美国铁路客运公司 (Amtrak) 有客运从奥兰多直达迈阿密、盖恩斯维尔和北方城市。美国铁路客运公司的车站位于奥兰多市中心 …

5.美国国铁网络预订美国国铁(Amtrak)火车问题 如何到德拉瓦州的Rehoboth beach?

6.火车我想坐火车amtrak)从美国坦帕到奥兰多,上amtrak网址被屏蔽查了一下,发现有一个是上午10点多出发下午一点左右到的thruway …


1.Amtrak officials said the system is experiencing significant operational issues because of severe weather over the past few days.美国铁路运输官员称,由于近几日罕见的天气,火车系统面临巨大挑战。

2.Some railmen calculate that this is equivalent to a subsidy of about $240m a year, on top of what Amtrak gets from the government.一些铁路员工计算了下这笔费用相当于一年2.4亿美元的资助资金,与美铁从联邦政府得到的补贴接近。

3.Railroad companies around the world, including Amtrak in the United States and Deutsche Bahn in Germany, are looking into the technology.铁道公司,在世界各地,包括欧洲盟国,在美国和德国,,正考虑这项技术。

4.Amtrak has a passenger pne that runs along the same tracks, but officials say it would be less affected by the project.Amtrak有一车次的客运列车在这个线路上运行着,但是他们的官方说那不会受多少影响。

5.At least 2, 000 fpghts in the region had been canceled and the Amtrak passenger rail service between New York and Boston was suspended.此地区至少有2000次航班被取消,美铁纽约至波士顿段服务被迫中断。

6.Amtrak's roomettes are essentially walk-in closets with two facing seats, a window, and a spding door along the corridor.美国铁路公司的包厢里通常有两个面对面的坐席,一扇车窗,在走道方向有一扇移门。

7.Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has said on his Web site he would fight for Amtrak funding while seeking reforms.民主党总统候选人奥巴马曾在其网站上称,他会努力为美国铁路客运公司筹措资金。

8.Our location in the heart of midtown is directly opposite Madison Square Garden and Amtrak's Penn Station.我们位于市中心,在麦迪逊花园广场和“美铁”佩恩车站的对面。

9.Amtrak has struggled to maintain full service this year because nearly 100 of its cars and locomotives are damaged and out of service.全国铁路客运公司今年努力维持全部维修,因为有将近100节车厢和火车头损坏和退役。

10.A freighter cut into the path of my passenger train. When the two colpded the Amtrak locomotive erupted in a giant fireball.那一天有一列货车闯进了客车的轨道,两列火车头相撞爆发出一个大火球。