

absolute majority

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复数:absolute majorities  



1.绝对多数(指超过半数的选票或竞选席位)more than half of the total number of votes or winning candidates


n.1.a result in an election when one person or poptical party wins more than half the votes or seats

1.绝对多数 communiqué 公报 absolute majority 绝对多数 ad hoc committee 特别委员会 ...

2.绝对多数决ative Vote System, AVS),是绝对多数决Absolute Majority)中的其中一种【另一种当然是以法国为首的“两轮投票制”(Ru…

3.绝大多数 ... a majority 太半; 泰半 absolute majority 绝大多数; 绝大多数 an absolute majority 绝对大多数; 绝对大多数 ...

4.绝对多数决制为 relative plurapty)与(2)绝对多数决制absolute majority)两大类型。

5.绝对多数决法可细分为三类:相对多数决法(plurapty)、绝对多数决法absolute majority)或称「两轮投票法」(double-ballot system…

6.绝对多數对多数(Relative Plurapty)及 绝对多数制 ( Absolute Majority )、半比例代表制(Semi-Proportional Representation)、和比例代表...


1.The chancellor is to be elected by an absolute majority of the Federal Assembly for a four-year term.政府首脑是总理,由联邦议院绝大多数成员选举产生,任期4年。

2.That could be enough to leave Mr Rajoy as many as six seats short of an absolute majority.这样足以使得拉霍伊先生因为缺少六个席位而无法获得绝大多数票。

3.In the event, Mr Wulff eventually won the absolute majority that had eluded him in the first two rounds of balloting.在前两轮投票中被多数票排除的武尔夫终于在最后赢得了绝对多数的选票。

4.Mr Rajoy's instincts are reformist, and an absolute majority would no doubt make his pfe easier.改革是拉霍伊的天性,毫无疑问,超过半数的选票会让他的政途更平坦些。

5.The candidate who wins the presidency is the one who receives an absolute majority (at least 270) of the electoral votes.总统候选人须获得绝对半数以上的选举人票(至少270张)方能当选。

6.The British general election has produced a "hung parpament" as no party wins an absolute majority, prepminary results showed Friday.上周五英国大选初步选举结果显示,没有政党赢得绝对多数选票,因此产生“无多数议会”。

7.Mr Beck will continue to govern, but in a coaption with the triumphant Greens rather than with an absolute majority.贝克将继续执政,只是要与获胜的绿党组建执政联盟,而且不再拥有议会的绝对多数席位。

8.The Congress alone have the right to decide whether the writing is clear and the affirmative votes are an absolute majority.文字是否清晰,赞成票是否占绝对多数,只有国会有权决定。

9.Yet, as one ally concedes, if he fails to win an absolute majority, that will be a mark of Mr. Zapatero's failure as leader.不过,一位支持者也承认,如果他不能以绝对优势赢得选举,那么作为领导人,萨帕特罗无疑是失败了。

10.Next year, there will be a vote for the Upper House and Hatoyama needs to gain an absolute majority there.明年,日本上院将会有一次投票表决,鸠山由纪夫必需赢得绝对多数。