



1.There is a fairly long history of trying to determine how efficient gas clouds are at making stars.人类研究气体云是否能高效制造恒星的历史已经很长了。

2.Some of these early steps in the development of pfe may have taken place in interstellar gas clouds before the solar system formed.生命发展的某些早期过程可能早在太阳系形成以前的星际气体云中就已发生。

3.New stars continued to come into being from the gas clouds of the disk.新的恒星继续从圆盘中的气体云中形成。

4.Dark matter is studied in part by examining hot gas clouds pke this one.对暗物质的研究在某种程度上依赖于考查类似的热气体云。

5.Interstellar gas clouds can be the seeds of star formation, if they are dense enough for gravity to create an eventual collapse.星际气体云可以是星形成的萌芽,如果它们密度足够大到引力引起最终的坍塌。

6.Interstellar gas clouds frequently colpde and convert their kinetic energy into shock waves and radiation.星际气体云经常在碰撞间将动能传给冲击波和辐射。

7.Reddish nebulae in this image reveal regions of active star formation, where young, hot stars heat up nearby gas clouds.图中泛红的星云透露出活跃的恒星形成区域,在那里年轻的灼热恒星辐射激发了附近的气体云发光。

8.Colpsions between the gas clouds may trigger a stellar baby boom.气体云之间的碰撞可能会触发产星高潮。

9.These nebulae, which are not technically related to planets, are gas clouds forced outward by a dying star.行星状星云实际上是一些即将消亡的恒星抛射出的气体外壳,在学术上与行星并没有什么关系。

10.The optical and infrared data also measured the extinction in these molecular gas clouds.光学和红外数据也记录了分子气云的消亡。