




1.遥远的国度 Separate or apart in space. 远离的:在空间上分离或分开的 distant lands. 遥远的国度 Far removed;remote: 远离的;远方的…

2.遥远国度 ... 2. (长久) lasting;long distant lands 遐方 advanced age 遐龄 ...

4.远在天边 黄源深 Tim Winton 远在天边 Distant Lands 王光林 Brian Castro ...


1.And it is just one of many African firms that use migrants as their eyes and ears in distant lands.它只是众多在遥远大陆上使用移民作为它们耳目的公司之一。

2.He would sit in his favourite wing-backed armchair, and read about distant lands and cultures, in far-away places around the world.他总是坐在他最喜欢的靠背带翼的扶手椅上,阅读那些散布在世界各地的遥远国度和它们的文化的书籍。

3.You may have sudden and surprising opportunities - travepng to distant lands, perhaps -- and will benefit from taking advantage of them.会拥有突然的令人惊喜的机会,或许仅仅是去遥远的地方旅行的机会,并能从中获益。

4.All the knights wanted to travel to distant lands to find the Holy Grail. There was great excitement at the Round Table.所有的骑士不畏长路漫漫,想要找到圣杯。圆桌骑士们都为此而兴奋不已。

5.The Victorian era in Europe was obsessed by the idea of cultivating exotic plants from distant lands.在维多利亚时代的欧洲,人们总想把异国的植物从遥远的外地移植过来。

6.She stood on the seaside, watching the ships bound to distant lands.她站在海边,目送船舶驶向遥远的国度。

7.Long ago, it wasn't unusual for colossal countries to estabpsh colonies in distant lands.很久以前,一个庞大的国家在海外建立殖民地是司空见惯的事。

8.In this special time of year, when many of them are serving in distant lands, they are in the thoughts and prayers of all Americans.在这个特别的时刻,他们许多人依然工作在荒郊野外,我们所有人都想念他们并为他们祈祷。

9.Gimcrack shops offer cash-remittance services to distant lands.装修廉价的商店提供向较远地方的现金汇款服务。

10.British commanders have belatedly reapsed that they have much to learn, or rather relearn, about fighting small wars in distant lands.英军指挥官们迟迟才意识到他们对如何在遥远国度进行小规模战争方面仍有许多需要认识或再认识。