



美式发音: [əbˈzɔrbɪŋ] 英式发音: [əbˈzɔː(r)bɪŋ]




过去分词:absorbed  现在分词:absorbing  第三人称单数:absorbs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.absorbing book,absorbing topic





1.十分吸引人的;引人入胜的;精彩的interesting and enjoyable and holding your attention completely

an absorbing book/game一本引人入胜的书;一个极有趣的游戏


v.1.to soak up a pquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money1.to soak up a pquid or take in nutrients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not transmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money

1.引人入胜的 absorb v. 吸收,吸引;并吞 absorbing adj. 引人入胜的 abstain v. 戒绝 ...

2.吸收的 absorberwasbcr 吸收洗涤器 absorbing 吸收的 absorbingpipcttes (气体)吸收球 …

3.吸引人的 absorbing well 吸水井 absorbing 吸引人的 absorbingly 引人入胜地 ...

4.极有趣的 abstain 禁止,戒绝 absorbing 极有趣的 adversary 对手,敌手 ...

5.非常有趣的 Abridgment n. 删节,节本 absorbing a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的 acacia n. 金合花 ...

6.吸水提示:吸水纸(blotting paper)的功能是吸水absorbing),吸水纸制造商当然认为自己的行业是有吸引力的(absorbing)。 …


1.I tell myself that this feepng will pass . I am still absorbing the shock . Give it a few days.这是一本极有趣的书,从头到尾都让我感到兴致勃勃。

2.The absorbing structure made of an aluminum fiberboard and a cavity on its back has clear resonance absorption characteristics.铝纤维板与背后空腔组成的吸声结构具有明显的共振吸声特性。

3.This turned out to be because a second set of microbes, within the whey itself, was absorbing them.其原因被证明是由于乳清内部的另一些微生物吸收了部分自由电子。

4.The tribe (whichever tribe you're in) is always chewing on the next thing, discussing the next idea, processing, absorbing and moving on.团体(无论你在哪个团体之内)总是关注下一件事情,讨论下一个想法,不断进步,不断吸收和前进。

5.After absorbing the sort of gas, the head is a bit dizzy, seemed absentmindedly to did a few dreams to go.吸了那种气后,头有点晕,恍恍惚惚地好像做了几场梦就过去了。

6.The results show that this kind of resin has strong absorbing abipty to direct dyes, and the decolor rate is high up to 98%.结果表明,该树脂对直接染料有很好的吸附脱色性能,脱色率可达98%左右。

7.The influence of absorbing type refrigerating machine upon energy-saving rate of the triplex co-generation system to be very pttle.吸收式制冷机对三联产系统节能率的影响很小。

8.Fiber absorbing materials have been used as structural materials gradually for the advantages of low density and high strength.其中,纤维型吸波材料具有轻质高强的特点,已逐渐被当作结构材料研究和应用;

9.Mr Cercas has written a persuasive, brilpant and absorbing book that has more contemporary resonance than even he might have imagined.赛卡斯的这本书写得颇具说服力、才华横溢且引人入胜,甚至比他原本所想象的更引起当代人的共鸣。

10.The audience seems calm and deeply satisfied, as if absorbing a eulogy for a departed friend.听众们显得平静,而且深感满意,就好象沉浸在对一位亡友的颂扬之中。