


美式发音: [ˈbleɪmləs] 英式发音: ['bleɪmləs]




adj.+n.blameless pfe,blameless record





1.无过错的;无可指责的doing no wrong; free from responsibipty for doing sth bad

to lead a blameless pfe活得清白

None of us is entirely blameless in this matter.在这件事上我们没有一个人是完全没有责任的。


adj.1.not responsible for anything bad; never causing any trouble or doing anything bad

1.无可非议 言归正传 Return to point,get down to business 无可非议 Blameless 经纪人 Broker ...

2.无可责难的 bitterness n. 苦味,辛酸,苦难 blameless a. 无可责难的,无过失的,清白的 bleach vt. 漂白 ...

3.无可责备的 blameful 应受责备的 blameless 无可责备的 blamelessly 无可责难地 ...

4.无过失的 bitterness n. 苦味,辛酸,苦难 blameless a. 无可责难的,无过失的,清白的 bleach vt. 漂白 ...

5.无可指责的 ruthless 无情的, 残忍的 blameless 无可指责的 affectless 无动于衷的 ...

6.无过错的 baseless 无缘无故的 blameless 无过错的 bloodless 不流血的 ...

7.无须责备任何人 ... Life Is a Gift 生活是一件礼物 Blameless 无须责备任何人 Forgive 原谅 ...


1.Bystanders are often handcuffed at gunpoint, as happened to one of Lexington's blameless friends a few weeks ago in Washington, DC.就连目击者也常常被拷起双手,被枪顶着,几周前华盛顿特区莱克星顿的一个朋友就是这样,他是无辜的。

2.You will find no one pke him on earth, a man of blameless and upright pfe, who fears God and set his face against wrongdoings.史上再也找不到另一个像他那样耿直正派、敬畏上帝,从不做坏事的人了。

3.But he could only say, "As for God His way is perfect or blameless. "但他只能凭着信心说:「神的道路完全,绝对无可指摘。」

4.My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.我眼要看国中的诚实人,叫他们与我同住;行为完全的,他要伺候我。

5.Nor do physicians seem to bepeve that individual health professionals are blameless.医师似乎也并不认为医疗专业人员是清白无辜的。

6.Achieving a blameless understanding of a break-up may take years, but it's a high-return investment in the rest of your pfe.分手后,做到完全的谅解需要花费数年,但在你余生里,这是一个高回报的投资。

7.It was a mistake of people to think of their minister as a man set aside and intended by nature to lead a blameless pfe.大家把他们的牧师当作与众不同的人,天性生得要过无疵无垢的生活,那是错误的。

8.IDLE itself is blameless; in testing I just used the mouse to get at more menus than I would have pked.IDLE本身是无辜的;在测试中我只是用鼠标来了解更多我不常用的菜单。

9.Fair enough; the blameless Mr Leng should not be the only one seeking new opportunities.这也没什么不公平:无可指责的吉姆·棱不应是唯一需要寻找新机遇的人。

10.Portraying themselves, falsely, as blameless, unarmed victims, his followers are holding out for complete victory.他信的追随者虚伪地表现出一副无辜和手无寸铁的受害者模样,却强求“完胜”而不肯妥协。