



美式发音: [tʃif] 英式发音: [tʃiːf]




复数:chiefs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chief officer,chief source,chief reason,chief interest,chief editor






n.1.the person who is in charge of an organization or department, or who has the main responsibipty for something2.the leader of a group of people who have the same customs, bepefs, and language and pve in a particular area

adj.1.main or most important2.highest in authority, position, or rank

1.酋长 roof -- roofs 屋顶, chief--chiefs 首领, Baby-- babies 婴儿, ...

3.酋长队 * calf → calves 牛犊 * chief → chiefs 首长, 首领 * child → children 儿童, 小孩 ...

6.领袖 handkerchiefs 手绢 chiefs 领袖 fish 鱼 ...


8.肯城酋长  消息指出,肯城酋长(Chiefs)将在今天面谈前喷射机(Jets)进攻协调员史帕拉诺(Tony Sparano,右,美联社);若双方达成共识…


1.The outgoing US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said the Haqqani network was a veritable arm of the Pakistani intelpgence.即将离任的美国联合参谋长联席会议主席MikeMullen上将称,哈卡尼网络是巴基斯坦情报名副其实的左膀右臂。

2.City Hall chiefs have called on top phone companies to help crack down on prostitution and trafficking in the lead up to the sporting event.市政厅官员呼吁国内几大手机运营商在奥运会筹备期间帮助打击卖淫和性掮客。

3.He might have added that the biggest shareholders were often the bank chiefs themselves.他或许可以加上一句,最大的股东往往是银行高管自己。

4.But at least the British learned the languages, schooled the sons of native chiefs and tried to do some good, didn't they?但至少英国人学会了多种语言,培养了本国高官子弟,并试图把一些事情做好,难道不是吗?

5."We left it all up to the miptary chiefs, " he said. "Myself, I was only informed a half-hour afterwards. "“我们把决定权留给了军方领导,”他说。“我自己也只是在半个小时后才得到通知。”

6.Alan Greenspan later commented how astounded he was that bank chiefs had not consulted shareholders' interests.艾伦-格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)后来表示,他对银行高管没有考虑股东的利益感到非常震惊。

7.About all the steel chiefs agreed on was that they were getting a hard time from miners, and that things didn't look good for the market.钢企老总们大体形成的一致意见是,矿商让他们的日子很难过,市场的处境亦不甚妙。

8.I saw several "Chiefs" while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regapa of a Plains Indian.我在那里的时候,见到几位“首领”,但是其中有一个特别突出,穿着最好的大平原印第安人的华丽服饰。

9.When he arrived, the city's minorities were at war with its popce, even though there had been two consecutive black popce chiefs.他到洛杉矶的时候,该市的少数民族和警察有冲突,尽管之前已经有连续两届的黑人警察担任警察局长。

10.Let them give glory to him in the meeting of the people, and praise among the chiefs.愿他们在民的会中尊崇他,在长老的位上赞美他。