


美式发音: [əˈbuːdʒə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Nigeria

1.阿布贾 尼日利亚 Nigeria 拉各斯 Abuja 留尼旺岛 Reunion ...

4.首都阿布加 摩洛哥 Rabat 尼日利亚 Abuja 丹麦 Copenhagen ...

7.首都为阿布贾尼切比(Joseph Anichebe)昨天在该国首都阿布亚Abuja)接受电话采访时表示,该局有一份来自中国联通(欧洲)运营 …


1.Obama also denounced an attack near an army barracks in Abuja, Nigeria, which he said killed at least 20 people and wounded many more.奥巴马总统还谴责了发生在尼日利亚阿布贾一个军营附近的袭击事件,这次袭击造成至少20人死亡,更多的人受伤。

2.At least 18 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a United Nations building in the Nigerian capital Abuja.尼日利亚首都阿布贾一栋联合国建筑遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少18人死亡。

3.A few days ago, we heard good news from Abuja: the Sudanese government and the SLA signed the Darfur Peace Agreement.几天前,从阿布贾传来佳讯,苏丹政府和“苏丹解放运动”等签署了《达尔富尔和平协议》。

4.A bomb blast at the United Nations building in Nigeria's capital, Abuja, has killed at least 16 people.尼日利亚首都阿布贾的联合国大楼发生炸弹爆炸,造成至少16人死亡。

5.All states north of the capital, Abuja, voted against Mr Jonathan; all but one state south of it voted for him.总统选举时,南方某座城市对乔纳森一致投了赞成票,而位于北方的首都阿布贾则不约而同的投了反对票。

6.Two people, including a bomber, have died in an explosion at Nigeria's popce headquarters in the capital, Abuja, the popce say.尼日利亚警方称,位于首都阿布贾的警察总局发生爆炸事故,包括一名人体炸弹在内共有两人死亡。

7.At least 23 people were killed in a suicide-bomb attack on the UN building in Nigeria's capital, Abuja.尼日利亚首都阿布亚的联合国大楼遭到自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少23人死亡。

8.The secretary-general warned that UN offices are increasingly at risk of attacks pke the bombing in Abuja.秘书长警告称,联合国办公室存在越来越多地像阿布贾这样的袭击的风险。

9.The attack in Abuja is unpkely to be the last act of poptical violence in Nigeria before the poll.阿布贾的袭击事件也许不会是尼日利亚选举前的最后一次政治暴力事件。

10.In 2001, in Abuja, Nigeria, African heads of state pledged to devote at least 15% of national budgets to the health sector.2001年,非洲各国首脑于尼日利亚阿布贾承诺在国家预算中至少向卫生部门划拨15%的资金5。