



美式发音: [ləˈɡjum] 英式发音: [ˈleɡjuːm]



复数:legumes  同义词




n.1.a seed such as a pea or bean that grows in a pod; a plant that has these seeds

1.豆类 Lesson 12 Fruit and Vegetables 果蔬类 Lesson 13 Legumes 豆类 Lesson 14 Milk 奶类 ...

2.豆科植物 废皮革 Leather waste 豆科植物 Legumes 钾镁矾 Leonite ...

3.蔬菜类 Viandes 肉类 Legumes 蔬菜类 Dessert 甜品 ...

4.豆荚类这里说的不是大豆,而是其他的豆荚类Legumes),如四季豆、碗豆、甜豆、菜豆、蚕豆、皇帝豆……等。它们富含蛋白质 …

5.豆类的选择的菜最好是豆类的legumes),以及不含任何酱料的肉类,而且选择巴斯马蒂大米(Basmati),它比白米饭好。最糟的 …


1.The bottom pne: Strive for a potassium-rich diet, which you can achieve by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes.基本要点:争取做到饮食中富含钾,你可以多吃各种水果、蔬菜和豆类。

2.Here the word protein is referred to as animal protein, for many legumes, seeds and sprouts contain plenty of plant protein.这里指的是动物蛋白质,许多豆类植物含有丰富的植物蛋白质。

3.This pantry pst can be as simple as oil, vinegar, grains, legumes and a few other things, but as people learn to cook it inevitably grows.这一储藏室清单可以简化到油、姜、谷物、豆类植物及其他一些东西,不过等人们学会了烹调,它不可避免地会要增加。

4.Coffee, banana, oil palm, and a number of tropical grasses and legumes are among the crops that tolerate high Al saturation.咖啡、香蕉、油棕和许多热带牧草和豆科植物都属于高度耐铝植物。

5.Emphasize fruits, vegetables, legumes and minimally processed grains, she said.她说,多吃些水果、蔬菜和豆类,并且尽量少进食谷物类食物。

6.Bean curd: Legumes food includes one kind is called "the isoflavone" the chemical substance, is one kind of effective oxidation inhibitor .豆腐:豆类食品含有一种被称为“异黄酮”的化学物质,是一种有效的抗氧化剂。

7.The interactions between these inputs is large and must be considered when designing optimum management strategies for legumes .各投入项目之间的相互作用是很大的,在制定豆类作物最优种植管理方案时必须考虑。

8.Eating a serving of legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) four times a week can lower your risk of heart disease by 22 percent.每周吃四次豆类(蚕豆,豌豆和小扁豆),可使你患心脏疾病的风险降低了22%。--相同的饮食习惯也会降低你患乳腺癌的风险。

9.Researchers analysed nine years of data on phosphorus flows in cereals and legumes worldwide.科学家分析了全世界谷物和豆类的磷流动的9年的数据。

10.Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes with azotobacteria was a hot topic of scientific research, but less focus on alpine meadow community.豆科植物的共生固氮作用一直是科学研究的热点问题,但在高寒草甸上研究的比较少。