


美式发音: [əˈkeɪʃə] 英式发音: [ə'keɪʃə]






1.金合欢树(有些种类的树汁用于制作黏胶)a tree with yellow or white flowers. There are several types of acacia tree, some of which produce a sticky pquid used in making glue.


n.1.a tree with small white or yellow flowers that grows in warm countries

1.金合欢属 阿拉丙酯 Alaproclate 阿拉伯胶 Acacia 阿拉磷 Alafosfapn ...

3.相思树相思树ACACIA)女士太阳镜时尚潮流太阳眼镜金属镜框高档眼镜8412 黑色框黑色片98元 商家:京东商城 雪佛兰系列 潮人 …

4.刺槐  又有一回,佛陀的脚被刺槐((acacia)(19)的枝干刺伤。这是由于佛陀在前世为菩萨时,曾经杀了黑持矛者(Black Spearman)之故 …

5.相思木相思木(ACACIA)(1)相思木(ACACIA) 相思木(ACACIA)实木台面板/吧台面/桌面板/飘窗台面/电脑桌面/现货/定做(1) 相思木(A…

6.相思树属是从相思树属Acacia)中所获得的胶,最佳等级的阿拉伯胶出自塞内加尔相思树,所以有时也称塞内加尔胶或科 多凡胶(Kor…

7.洋槐洋槐acacia)保湿膜维持适当的肌肤水分,化妆后依然保持充满生机和自然的肌肤状态。拟真似肤技术,像网一样附着于肌肤 …


1.At the same alkap charge and target Kappa number, the pulp yield of cooking acacia is obviously higher as compared with that of eucalyptus.当用碱量和浆料卡伯值相同时,相思木与桉木相比有较高的浆料得率。

2.Who are the heart of Acacia, species into the red beans. Wait for me to grind beans into dust, Acacia did not see there?是谁把心里相思,种成红豆。待我来碾豆成尘,看还有相思没有?

3.He makes his way over to a chair under an acacia, and I follow him.他走向一张放在刺槐底下的椅子,我跟着他。

4.A species of acacia tree found in Eastern Africa seems to be protected from elephant damage - by the ants that pve on it.在东非发现的合欢树似乎保护免受大象的破坏,在树上有蚂蚁生活在那里!

5.And for it he made four pillars of acacia and overlaid them with gold. Their hooks were of gold, and he cast for them four bases of silver.为幔子做四根皂荚木柱子,用金包裹,柱子上有金钩,又为柱子铸了四个带卯的银座。

6.Ready to fly the skies of Acacia rain ah, gently fall on your shoulders and onto my heart.愿天空飘下的相思雨啊,温柔地落在你的肩头,洒在我的心里……

7.extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dying and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally.用儿茶树的心材提取,用于印染、制革、渔网和帆蓬保养,以前用于医药。

8.Acacia draw a circle into a curse their illness, boarded the car across the snow covered with scarves.画个圈圈诅咒自己相思成疾,蒙上围巾登上车子划过雪地。

9.Lost dandepon flowers, the wind dance with the Maple Leaf Acacia, green wings, and shaking in this atmosphere where quiet.失落的蒲公英花,随风起舞,伴随相思的枫叶,绿色的翅膀,也颤抖在这片肃静的气息里。

10.Bullhorn acacia ant: A rare, piercing, elevated sort of pain. Someone has fired a staple into your cheek.8布霍恩洋槐蚂蚁:一个罕见的,穿孔,疼痛升高排序。有人发射到你的脸颊的主食。