


美式发音: [ˌsɪrəˈtoʊnɪn] 英式发音: [ˌsɪərəˈtəʊnɪn]

n.5- 羟色胺




1.5- 羟色胺,血清素(神经递质,亦影响情绪等)a chemical in the brain that affects how messages are sent from the brain to the body, and also affects how a person feels


n.1.a chemical substance produced in your body that affects your moods and the flow of messages through your nerves


4.血清张力素血清张力素(Serotonin)可使脸红,出汗手足发麻;Histamine(组织胺)可使人头痛,且对胃肠有压制作用,使人失去胃口;而  …

5.复合胺发现复合胺serotonin)可能是婴儿猝死症(sudden infant death syndrome,SIDS)的关键物质。在美国,SIDS是小于一岁的 …

6.血清胺二为受伤血管内的血小板释放血清胺(serotonin)及 血管收缩物质所引起的。 13 血小板栓塞形成 (Platelet Plug Formation) 血管 …

7.血清张素致使血清张素Serotonin)降低,暴力行为通常就会提高,产生冲动行为和攻击行为,而且也会导致终生的暴力倾向(Jensen ,…

例句释义:,5- 羟色胺,血清素,血清促进素,血清张力素

1.In at least some healthy, non-depressed people, carbohydrate foods seem to enhance serotonin production and produce similar effects.至少在一些健康和情绪不低落的人当中,碳水化合物食物似乎能够促进血清素的生成并能产生类似效应。

2.And I have concocted a questionnaire to see to what degree you express dopamine, serotonin, estrogen and testosterone.为此,我做了一份问卷调查,以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。

3.At its heart is serotonin made by the gut, not the brain, whose role outside the brain had been a mystery.发现的核心在于消化道中生成的复合胺,这种复合胺在脑外的作用一直是一个谜。

4.In at least some healthy, nondepressed people, carbohydrate foods seem to enhance serotonin production and produce similar effects.至少在一些健康和情绪良好的人当中,碳水化合物食物似乎能够促进血清素的生成并能产生相类似效应。

5.Cpnical depression is often associated with low levels of serotonin.临床上的抑郁症通常与低血清胺有关。

6.Also whole grains promote production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin for a greater sense of well-being.同时,谷物可以促进脑神经传递素复合胺的产生,使机体反应灵敏。

7.Tryptophan is subject to various changes by enzymes making the L-tryptophan produce a brain chemical called serotonin.色氨酸会受到酶的影响发生很多变化,使得大脑中的L-色氨酸产生一种名叫5-羟色胺化学物质。

8.Some scientists say that the culprit is serotonin -- the chemical that makes us happy -- which controlled by the amount of pght we receive.有的科学家认为人体内血清素是罪魁祸首,这是一种可以使人变得快乐的化学物质,而它的数量与人体接受到的光线的多少有关。

9.You can ask about what causes it biochemically; neuroscience, serotonin, all that stuff.你可以从生物学的角度来寻找幸福的根源从神经系统科学,血液复合胺等各个角度来研究。

10.Future antidepressants might have targets other than serotonin.未来抗抑郁药也许会有不同于复合胺的目标。