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网络释义:台湾存托凭证(Taiwanese Depositary Receipts);发行台湾存托凭证;时域反射计(Time Domain Reflectometer)



1.台湾存托凭证(Taiwanese Depositary Receipts)递交台湾存托凭证TDR)建议于台湾证交所上市之申请,截至昨日(4日),公司尚未落实是否及何时推出台湾预托凭证发行…

2.发行台湾存托凭证发行台湾存托凭证(tdr)76万股,外资融资各买十几万张,另五十万张,在特定人之手,这回融资成本很低,如果主力要洗融资很难, (如 …

3.时域反射计(Time Domain Reflectometer)时域反射计(TDR)可诊断和解决铜缆端口上的配线问题。配置回退能够用任何保存的 Cisco IOS® Software配置文件更换当前运 …

4.时域反射(time domain reflectometry)时域反射(tdr)技术比传统的电容测试仪要更快速更精确有两种常见的测量铜缆长度的方法——时域反射(tdr)方式和电容方式。tdr …

5.时域反射仪利用时域反射仪(TDR)定位监测方法,研究了南方红壤丘陵区油桐人工林土壤水分动态规律.结果表明:不同月份间土壤蓄水量差异 …

6.时域反射法时域反射法TDR)也是一种通过测量土壤介电常数来获得土含水率的一种方法。TDR 的原理是电磁波沿非磁性介质中的传输 …


1.The system mainly consists of a TDR testing instrument, an embedded system terminal and a PC.本系统主要由TDR测试仪、嵌入式终端和PC机组成。

2.The experimental results show that TDR is able to provide a reasonably accurate estimation of the electrical conductivity of the pore water.试验结果表明TDR能够很好地测得饱和砂性土的孔隙水电导率。

3.An optical TDR known as an OTDR is capable of locating these discontinuities.被称为OTDR的光学TDR是有能力对这些不连续作定位。

4.Whether the incidence of these negative side effects can be reduced with TDR remains unestabpshed.是否TDR能够减少这些负面效应的发生率尚无研究证实。

5.As a result, the TDR used for monitoring landspde, can fast reapze, real-time, the continuous monitoring.由此可见,TDR用于滑坡监测,能够实现快速、实时、连续监测。

6.Conclusion. This study suggests that among patients undergoing TDR, the length of time off work before surgery was related to outcome.结论:本研究表明术前停止工作时间的长短,与接受TDR手术患者的临床效果显著关联。

7.When several pioneering TDR programmes were under way, scholars attempted to examine the efficacy of those first-generation TDR programmes.当几个创业TDR的方案正在进行之中,学者试图探讨这些第一代的TDR方案的效力。

8.Objectives. To assess the influence of the disc level and number of discs replaced following TDR on postoperative outcome.目的。评价椎间盘节段和椎间盘置换的数目对腰椎人工椎间盘置换术后的临床效果。

9.Some cervical TDR implants are "shrunk down" versions of their lumbar predecessors, whereas others have unique design characteristics.一些颈椎TDR假体只是腰椎假体的缩小版本,也有一些是专门设计的。

10.Our skills appear to have a component which scales with the TDR, and a constant component.我们的技能好像有一部分与TDR成比例,还有固定的一部分。