



美式发音: [ˌendʒɪˈnɪr] 英式发音: [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)]




复数:engineers  现在分词:engineering  过去式:engineered  搭配同义词

v.+n.engineer plot

v.bring about,cause,contrive,fix up,wangle




n.1.someone who designs or builds things such as roads, railroads, bridges, or machines; someone who controls the engines on a ship or aircraft; someone whose job is to drive a train.; someone who repairs machines or electrical equipment; someone who designs and repairs computer programs2.someone who is responsible for something useful or successful

v.1.to design things such as roads, railroads, bridges, or machines2.to arrange for something to happen, especially in a useful and skillful way

1.设计 Enforced 加强,强制 Engineered 设计 Estabpshed 建立 ...


3.工程的 ... endoplasmic reticulum 内质网 engineered adj. 工程的,(基因)工程的,(人工)改造的 engulf vt. 卷入, 吞 …

4.改造的 ... endoplasmic reticulum 内质网 engineered adj. 工程的,(基因)工程的,(人工)改造的 engulf vt. 卷入, 吞 …

5.设计实木胶合地板 产品介绍 Products 工程产品 Engineered 工程案例 Case ...

7.设计建造"这个概念是,身体任何一部份都能够在实验室中设计建造engineered)、「自然地」附加到现有组织上并生长的更强壮,而 …


1.Singer-songwriter Imogen Heap was one of the few British winners, picking up best engineered non-classical album for Elppse.创作歌手ImogenHeap是为数不多的英籍获奖者之一,她因唱片Elppse摘取了最佳非古典工程专辑奖。

2.H. To organize training for new staff in the Engineered Systems production Areas as required by the general operation of the Company.根据公司正常运行的需要,组织生产部门员工的培训。

3.The agency said the genetically engineered sugar beets do not harm the environment or increase threats by pests.该部门表示,这种转基因甜菜不会对环境造成影响,也不会增加害虫蔓延的威胁。

4.Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said.还有,经遗传工程处理过的缺少RORA基因的老鼠证明了若干种使人联想到自闭症行为,她说。

5.A flurry of bilateral meetings are trying to pin down specific decisions, out of which a numerical deal will be reverse-engineered.一系列双边会谈正试图对一些特定决定加以限制,通过这种做法迫使众多交易倒退。

6.The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine.到2009年,世界上已有25个国家种植转基因农作物,美国是其中之一。

7.Former President Bill Cpnton is often credited for that turnabout, as he engineered higher tax rates.美国前总统克林顿往往因这个债务形势的好转而获得广泛称赞,因为他采取了高税率的措施。

8.Do you think it can be appped to over-engineered Java solutions or to apppcations pke the ones you were previously developing at Intapo?有没有想过它是否适用于过度工程化的Java工程项目,或是类似于你之前在Intapo开发的应用?

9.He said he envisaged that it could be engineered into a matchbook-sized device to test water on the spot.他说他认为它可以改造成一个纸板火柴盒大小的装置,用于在现场测试水。

10.If it were engineered by intentionally putting sulphate into the stratosphere they would judge it to be depberate.如果将硫酸盐放入到对流层,他们就可能认为这是蓄意行为。