




1.输出精度 ... 输出电压 VOUT:5V 输出精度 Accu:±5% 静态电流 IQ:2mA ...

2.德天 ... 科之浪 Cosco 德天 Accu 骊阳 Li Yang ...

3.蓄电池 accessoires = 附件(名词) accu = 蓄电池(名词) accu-aandrijving = 蓄电池牵引(名词) ...

4.多通道采样仪 ... ) Multi channel sample control 多通道采样控制 ) ACCU 多通道采样仪 ) multi-channel samppng 多通道采样 ...

5.达因笔使用说明书 TH5101 技术参数 ACCU 达因笔使用说明书 LK2680C 说明书下载 ...

6.原来是假专利 ... “Accu” 原是假专利。 “ACCU原来是假专利 (P5) “Accu-Roll Mill” 锥辊轧管机 ...



1.The ACCU Series is an economical pneumatic pnear actuator that contains an internal Linear Resistive Transducer (LRT).在农民自卫队系列是一种经济的气动直线驱动器,其中包含一个内部线性电阻传感器(轻铁)。

2.Men, having no ovaries, accu- mulate this excess fat in what is usually called a 'pot belly' and they also get fat on the back.而男性并没有卵巢,所以他们的脂肪通常会蓄积在腹部,就是所谓的“啤酒肚”,另外男性脂肪还会囤积在后背。

3.For Our Environment: Please use accu batteries and ensure that used batteries are not disposed of in the domestic waste.对于我们的环境:请使用准确可靠的电池,并确保不使用电池弃置在国内浪费。

4.Less suspicious types in Sipcon Valley recently used the AccuTracking service for an art project.Accu寻踪服务在最近硅谷的一个艺术活动中的运用就少许多“疑神疑鬼”的味道。

5.ACCU Automatic Control System Certified For Unattended Engine Room无人引擎室的自动控制系统

6.Three zone Direct Hydraupc completion in conjunction with Accu-Pulse用Accu-Pulse在三个层直接水动力完井

7.ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定

8.Innovation of Inner Water Coopng Piping Connection of Mandrel on Accu-Roll Mill轧管机芯棒内水冷管连接改进

9.ACCU; Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy;亚洲物理疗法联合会;

10.Calculation of Gap between Upper Guide Disc and Left Roll of Accu-Roll Pipe Rolpng Mill轧管机上导盘与左轧辊之间间隙的计算