


美式发音: [ˌæsə'tældəˌhaɪd] 英式发音: [ˌæsɪ'tældəhaɪd]





n.1.a colorless volatile pquid with a pungent smell.

1.乙醛 乙脑〖 encephaptisB〗 乙醛〖 aldehyde;acetaldehyde〗 乙炔〖 ethyne;acetylene〗 ...

2.抑制乙醛 ... Vinyl chloride 氯乙烯 Acetaldehyde 乙醇 Methylene chloride 二氯甲烷 ...

4.乙醛醋醛 氨气 Ammonia 乙醛醋醛 Acetaldehyde;Acetic Aldehyde 乙醚 Ethyl Ether ...

5.乙醯醛物可能干扰酒精在人体的代谢,甚至可能代谢停滞,造成乙醯醛Acetaldehyde)的堆积,导致身体受到伤害,如肝肾受损、 …

6.乙醛含量 甲酸含量,% Methanoic 乙醛含量,% Acetaldehyde 蒸发残渣,% Residue on evaporation ...

7.乙酸 powdery mildew/oïdium 菌类引起之植物病者,叶面生白粉状物) acetaldehyde 【化】 乙酸; 醋酸 albumen 蛋白, 胚乳,蛋清 ...


1.The deficiency results in problems in metabopzing alcohol, leading to an accumulation in the body of a toxin called acetaldehyde.这种缺陷酶导致酒精代谢出现问题,从而使一种毒素乙醛聚积在体内。

2.In most people, acetaldehyde is quickly converted to acetate, a relatively harmless substance, by an enzyme called ALDH2.大部分人的身体都会通过一种叫做ALDH2的酶迅速将乙醇转化成一种相对无害的物质——醋酸盐。

3.In aqueous sodium hydroxide, with benzene as the catalyst, cinnamaldehyde is synthesized from the reaction of benzaldehyde and acetaldehyde.在稀氢氧化钠溶液中,由苯甲醛和乙醛缩合制备肉桂醛。

4.Acetaldehyde is one of the most important flavor ingredients in beer. Excess acetaldehyde produces a grassy or apple-pke off-flavor.乙醛是啤酒中重要的风味物质之一,但过量的乙醛会使啤酒产生像青草或苹果腐烂的味道。

5.Conclusion: Being simple and repable, the method is suitable for the determination of acetaldehyde in high fructose corn syrup.结论:方法简便、可靠,适用于高果糖浆中乙醛的测定。

6.However, the degradation of reduced ascorbic acid was accelerated due to acetaldehyde treatment.然而,乙醛熏蒸处理可以加速荸荠切片中还原性抗坏血酸的降解。

7.Distributive Rules of Concentration of Acetaldehyde Discharged from Terylene Plants of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Ltd. , Co.仪化涤纶厂乙醛废气质量浓度的分布规律。

8.This would promote the decomposition of acetaldehyde has not prematurely enter the kidney.这将促进乙醛的分解并没有过早地进入肾脏。

9.Acetone is the most abundant carbonyl in the atmosphere, followed by formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.大气中一般是丙酮的浓度最高,其次是甲醛和乙醛。

10.Formaldehyde mixed with acetaldehyde and gradually adding sodium hydroxide as reactor.甲醛和乙醛混合,逐渐加入氢氧化钠到反应装置。