


美式发音: [əˈkipːz] 英式发音: [əˈkip:z]





n.1.[Greek Myths]the principal hero of the Trojan war in Greek mythology, made invulnerable by being dipped in the river Styx as a baby, except for the heel he was held by. (He killed the Trojan hero Hector before being fatally wounded in the heel with an arrow fired by paris.)

1.阿基里斯 常用的表达有,供参考: e.g. 阿碦硫斯 Achilles 这恰恰证明了 It exactly proves that ...


1.Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension.Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。

2.Anatomically-placed foam pods, an asymmetrical toppne and a pronounced Achilles notch for enhanced cushioning, support and all-day comfort.鞋帮处的泡沫群、不对称背线和阿基里斯凹槽用于增强缓冲、支撑,提供全天的舒适感。

3.The England star's agent said he had undergone a successful operation on his achilles tendon and is expected to make a full recovery.这位英格兰巨星的经纪人称,小贝的跟腱手术做得很,他有望完全康复。

4.There's veins on the feet, and then my heel's, pke, pink, you know, and my Achilles' tendon -- that moves a pttle bit.脚上甚至还有静脉血管,而我的脚跟是粉色的,像你看到的,而我的阿基里斯腱--它还能微微地动弹。

5.We were a bit speechless because you never find any problems with Achilles and the pain is still there.我们对这个问题是有些无语的,因为你从来都不会发现阿基里斯有任何问题的,疼痛从未离去。

6.Liu said the pain was "unbearable" and that he risked further injury to his Achilles tendon if he tried to finish Monday's race.刘翔说,他的疼痛“难以忍受”,如果他试图完成星期一的比赛,他面临跟腱拉伤加剧的风险。

7.Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has arrived at a renowned private hospital in London to receive surgery on his torn right Achilles tendon.中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经抵达伦敦一家著名的私立医院接受右脚跟腱手术。

8.I've been observing this guy for a whole year and I can't seem to find his Achilles' heel.我观察这家伙整整一年了,但似乎找不到他有什么致命的弱点。

9.Bill is an excellent manager, but his Achilles'heeps that he trusts people too much. His employees take the advantage of him.比尔是个十分出色的经理,但他的致命弱点是过于相信别人。他的雇员总是利用他这一点。

10.Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation.弱点:约翰就是爱逞英雄,这就是说他很容易诱入潜在且致命的危险之中。