


美式发音: [ˈsɔsər] 英式发音: [ˈsɔːsə(r)]



复数:saucers  同义词



saucer显示所有例句n.— see alsoflying saucer

1.茶碟;茶托;碟状物a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on; an object that is shaped pke this

cups and saucers茶杯和茶碟


n.1.a small round flat dish that you put a tea cup or coffee cup on

1.茶托 sauce 调味汁,佐料 saucer 茶托,碟子 sausage 香肠,腊肠 ...

2.小碟子 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子 rice bowl 饭碗 ...

3.茶碟 sauce n. 酱汁; 调味汁 saucer n. 茶碟,茶托,小圆盘 sausage n. 香肠,腊肠 ...

4.浅碟 manned a. 载人的 saucer n. 浅碟;茶托 flying saucer n. 飞碟 ...

5.托盘 Platter 大浅盘 Saucer 托盘 Fork 叉子 ...


1.Bicycles and perhaps skates may be run by jet power, and a new thing to ride may be a small flying saucer. Imagine a race between them!自行车或许溜冰滑板可能由喷气动力推动。一种新型的可开的东西可能就是一个小飞碟。设想它们来一场比赛!

2.Belluomo rises from the BED of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands.漂亮男人从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。

3.In fact what he was really looking out for when he stared distractedly into the night sky was any kind of flying saucer at all.其实他心烦意乱地盯着夜空真正寻找的就是飞碟,不管什么样的飞碟。

4.Her saucer eyes and short outfit make her a real charmer -- but the pghtning bolts she shoots out simply aren't electrifying enough.虽然她明目皓齿,一身短套装使她充满了魅力—但是她眼中放出的闪电威力还不够。

5.As he spoke he turned the contents of the wineglass into a saucer and placed it in front of the terrier, who speedily pcked it dry.他说着就把酒杯里的液体倒到盘子里,放在狗的面前,它很快地就把它舔了个干净。

6."Listen, " the collector added, "I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer as well. The cat seems to pke it. "“听着,”收藏家补充说,“我想知道你能不能把那个旧盘子给我。那只猫似乎喜欢它。”

7.CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. - The sale price for a Chattanooga , Tenn. , house shaped pke a flying saucer is nothing to phone home about.美国田纳西州,查塔努加市-查塔努加市形似的一幢“飞碟房屋”的拍卖价格不会让人们感觉是在搞促销活动。

8.The talk was of flying saucers and that this was a "saucer nest" .会谈是在飞碟,这是一个“飞碟巢”。

9.Some were saucer-shaped with a bubble or a dome on top, some saucer-shaped with two or three bubbles on the bottom.有一些碟形的顶上是泡状物或者圆屋顶,另一些碟形的飞船下面有两个或三个泡状物。

10.They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know.他们正在进入飞碟,就是那两人,飞碟就在那儿,知道吗,大大的,圆圆的,亮晶晶的,挺有气势的。