



美式发音: [kənˈvɪkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kən'vɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:convictions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong conviction,deep conviction,firm conviction,profound conviction,unshakeable conviction

v.+n.strengthen conviction,express conviction,share conviction





n.1.a strong bepef or opinion about something2.a decision by a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime3.the feepng or appearance of being confident or very certain about something

1.信念慧与经验的累积, 是古代贤哲对於贯通宇宙人生原理的信念(convictions), 其目 的不在建立学理系统, 而在「尊道贵德」。

2.定罪 ... conventionally 照惯例地;老一套地 convictions 定罪;确信 convincing 有说服 …

4.你的信仰理念作和PR申请)的表格上,全部需要填写经过法院判过的交通违章convictions),如果这次特意让你填写又不处理,Home Of…

6.疑思筋(cerveau)、怯气(courage)、绝议疑思(convictions)”,糟的败因、特雷泽掀的愚气、伤利的所处的境天……没有懂患上少梅内 …


1.When you do a rather daring thing, you've just got to have the courage of your convictions.当你做一件相当需要勇气的事儿时,你必须坚定你的信念。

2.French investigations can be lengthy and do not always lead to prosecutions, let alone convictions.法国的调查一向冗长,也不一定会进入起诉阶段,更不用说定罪了。

3.He said he also took into account that Tang had no prior convictions and the five victims were well provided for and fed.他说,他也考虑到汤没有前科并且这五位受害人得到了很好的供养和食物。

4.She was a passionate pberal whose anti-war convictions had been confirmed the previous summer when she worked in Vietnam as a journapst.她是一个充满激情的自由主义者,她的反战信念在前一年夏天,也就是她在越南当记者的时候就得到了证实。

5.He said today that he would not ask President Bush for a pardon on his corruption convictions.他今天表示,不会要求布什总统为其贪污最特赦。

6.He said he rejects the five-year suspension verdict, which was handed down last week. He confirmed that he would appeal the convictions.他还声明,坚决反对上周下达的暂停其青年联盟领导人资格长达五年的裁定,并且将对此进行上诉。

7.Daily pfe is all about having faith in yourself and allowing that faith to inspire the courage of your convictions.日常生活中要对自己有信仰,用这种信仰激发你对自己确信的勇气。

8.The driver of the vehicle was an off-duty taxi driver who already had a number of convictions for traffic violations.肇事车辆的司机是一位因一连串的交通违规而受到了定罪的前出租车司机。

9.But your getting these silly convictions and conceptions out of nowhere, dont you reapze all this pfe is just a dream?然则你在采取这些傻瓜般的法证法并且是任何中心也没有的观念,你有否定识到这平生的所有都只是场梦而已?

10.Johnny knew that Owen had started the fight, but he was afraid to say so; he did not have the courage of his convictions.约翰尼原知道开头打架的是欧文,可是他不敢说出来,他没有勇气按照自己的信念来行事。