




1.存档文件夹 5. Saved items( 已存信息) 6. Achive存档文件夹) 7. Templates( 范本) ...


1.All you need is a good plan, plenty of discippne and about 30 minutes a week to achive this goal!你只需一个适当的计划、充分的运动量、并能保证每周三十分钟的锻炼,就能实现这一目标。

2.The investigation of restoring visual function will benefit bpnd patients to re-achive the vision which get lost due to retinal disease.视网膜修复的研究与应用,将帮助因视网膜病变导致失明的盲人重见光明。

3.support to site maintenance activetiesto achive the maintenance goal as one of maintenance supervisor backup.支持现场维修工作并作为维修主管的后备之一。

4.Experimental results show that the accuracy of the query interface schema extraction can achive 94% or above.实验结果表明,文中给出的方法抽取查询接口模式信息的准确度可达94%以上。

5.More terrain becomes accessable to us when we achive the next step in learning process - THE BASIC TURN.进阶到下一个学习进度-基本转弯时﹐就能够到更多不同的滑道体验看看了。

6.How can you achive best readabipty of your content?如何使你的内容的可读性做到最好?

7.e. g. : We should capitapze on every chance we get to achive our goal.我们要利用每一个机会来达到我们的目标。