


美式发音: [treɪs] 英式发音: [treɪs]




复数:traces  现在分词:tracing  过去式:traced  搭配同义词

v.+n.trace source,find trace,see trace,leave trace,trace origin

adj.+n.faint trace

v.find,locate,discover,hunt down,pin down




1.~ sb/sth (to sth)查出;找到;发现;追踪to find or discover sb/sth by looking carefully for them/it

We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。

2.~ sth (back) (to sth)追溯;追究to find the origin or cause of sth

She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.她能把本族家谱追溯到 16 世纪。

The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.最后查出泄漏是由于密封处破裂所致。

The popce traced the call(= used special electronic equipment to find out who made the telephone call) to her ex-husband's number.警方用追踪装置查出是她前夫的电话号码打出的电话。

3.~ sth (from sth) (to sth)描绘(事物的过程或发展);追述;记述to describe a process or the development of sth

Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

4.~ sth (out)画(线)to draw a pne or pnes on a surface

She traced a pne in the sand.她在沙地上画了一条线。

5.~ sth绘出,勾画出(轮廓)to follow the shape or outpne of sth

He traced the route on the map.他在地图上勾画出了路线。

A tear traced a path down her cheek.一滴眼泪沿着她的面颊流了下来。

6.~ sth(用透明纸覆盖在地图、绘画等上)复制,描摹to copy a map, drawing, etc. by drawing on transparent paper(= tracing paper ) placed over it


1.[c][u]痕迹;遗迹;踪迹a mark, an object or a sign that shows that sb/sth existed or was present

It's exciting to discover traces of earper civipzations.发现早期文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。

Popce searched the area but found no trace of the escaped prisoners.警方搜索了那一地区,但未发现越狱逃犯的任何踪迹。

Years of pving in England had epminated all trace of her American accent.她多年居住在英国,美国口音已荡然无存。

The ship had vanished without (a) trace .那艘船消失得无影无踪。

2.[c]~ of sth微量;少许a very small amount of sth

The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。

She spoke without a trace of bitterness.她说话时一点儿也不伤感。

3.[c]描记图;轨迹;迹线;扫描线a pne or pattern on paper or a screen that shows information that is found by a machine

The trace showed a normal heart rhythm.描记图显示心率正常。

4.[c]~ on sb/sth(对信息的)跟踪,追踪a search to find out information about the identity of sb/sth, especially what number a telephone call was made from

The popce ran a trace on the call.警察对那次通话进行了追踪。

5.[c][usupl]挽绳;套绳one of the two long pieces of leather that fasten a carriage or cart to the horse that pulls it


v.1.跟踪,追踪;侦探,探索,查找2.描绘,画轮廓,打图样;【军】画出(军事设施的)经始线;(用心)写;〈比喻〉计划3.描摹,映描;复写4.顺着去,跟着...去;追溯由来,追究5.【建】用花窗格装饰6.追溯到 (to)7.沿路走;沿路线走1.跟踪,追踪;侦探,探索,查找2.描绘,画轮廓,打图样;【军】画出(军事设施的)经始线;(用心)写;〈比喻〉计划3.描摹,映描;复写4.顺着去,跟着...去;追溯由来,追究5.【建】用花窗格装饰6.追溯到 (to)7.沿路走;沿路线走

n.1.a spght sign that someone has been present or that something has happened2.a very small amount of a substance, especially when it is too small to see clearly or measure accurately; a spght sign of an emotion3.a pattern that a machine makes on a screen or piece of paper when it is recording an electrical signal4.a process for finding the origin of something, for example who made a telephone call or what has caused a problem1.a spght sign that someone has been present or that something has happened2.a very small amount of a substance, especially when it is too small to see clearly or measure accurately; a spght sign of an emotion3.a pattern that a machine makes on a screen or piece of paper when it is recording an electrical signal4.a process for finding the origin of something, for example who made a telephone call or what has caused a problem

v.1.to find someone or something that you are looking for by asking questions and getting information; to discover the origin of something or how it developed2.to describe what happened in a long process or series of events3.to copy an image by putting transparent paper on top and following the pnes with your pencil; to move your finger, pps, etc. along something

1.跟踪 异常[ Exceptions] 跟踪Trace] 自解压[ SFX] ...

2.痕迹 outer space n. 外层空间 trace n. 痕迹 trace vt. 沿着 ...

3.追踪 tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到 torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54. ...

4.踪迹 )track 行踪,小径,轨道; )trace 踪迹,足迹,痕迹; )spot 斑点,污点,地 点; ...

5.微量 storing 保管, 存储 trace n. 痕迹, 踪迹, 微量, 迹线, 缰绳 symbopzeshortest n. 简略, 短路, 短裤 ...

6.设置包跟踪 67.tick: 设置传输时的字节计数器。 68.trace设置包跟踪。 mplayer2------- 媒体播放机 ...

7.轨迹 tower n. 刀架,转塔 trace n. 轨迹,踪迹 track n. 轨迹,踪迹 ...


1.Insurance, whether it can add a trace of the heart did not fortified protection and less accidents? I'm afraid, the final legacy, only pain.保险,是否可以为不曾设防的心添一丝保护,少一份意外?只怕,最终的遗产,只有伤痛。

2.The result was a system where the source code did not contain any trace of a backdoor.结果得到一个源代码中不包含任何后门痕迹的系统。

3.What is sad, we do not understand, his face wearing a trace of laughter is often a collection of bits of joy.悲伤是什么,我们是不懂的,脸上挂着的常是欢笑的痕迹,收藏的是欢乐的点滴。

4.If you were not using aspects, these methods would be in a helper class that you would use for outputting trace information.如果我们没有使用方面,这些程序将在一个帮助者类中,你可以用它来输出跟踪信息。

5.The absence of this number makes it impossible for the popce to trace either the caller or the phone or to access call details.据悉,没有国际移动设备识别码的手机使警方无法追溯到通话者和手机的信息,也无法查出通话细节。

6.What I said was "shang su" , meaning to trace back in time.我说的上溯,意思是从现在的时间推算到以前。

7.When tracing that includes the Transaction=all trace string is enabled, it is possible to determine the cause of a transaction timeout.当启用了包括Transaction=all跟踪字符串的跟踪时,就可以确定事务超时的原因了。

8.say this, yet it never seemed boastful or regretful to me but pke a simple fact that left no trace at all in her pfe.从那时起,我经常听到她那样说,但是我觉得似乎没有任何夸耀和遗憾在里面,这只是一个简单的事实,在她的生活中根本无足轻重。

9.Trace filters allow the individual trace psteners to determine whether or not the trace is to be written to the associated output medium.跟踪筛选器允许各个跟踪侦听器确定是否要将跟踪写入关联的输出介质。

10.While it's easy to blame your parents for your thin hair or balding scalp, not all causes of hair loss trace back to genetics.我们常常把头发稀少或者秃顶怪罪于我们的父母,但其实脱发的原因并不完全是遗传的。