




1.网路巨人 take drugs,to 吸毒 internet giant 网路巨人(如谷歌) thunderous applause 如雷掌声 ...



1.Google is scapng back in a number of areas and cutting 100 jobs as the internet giant begins to feel the impact of the recession.谷歌,这个互联网巨头开始感到衰退的压力,终止了一些领域并裁员100。

2.A prominent internet giant has found itself the target of an onpne plot that allowed outsiders to read some of its users' emails.一家卓越的因特网巨头发现自己已经成为网络谋划的攻击目标,这将造成无权限的局外者可防卫部分他们网络用户的电子邮件。

3.To help south Sudan prepare for independence, Internet giant Google is training volunteers to help improve maps of the new country.为了帮助南苏丹为独立作准备,互联网搜索引擎巨头谷歌公司正在培训志愿者,帮助这个国家修定地图。

4.Internet giant Google is developing software which it claims will be able to translate conversations almost instantaneously.网络巨头Google正在开发能提供实时对话翻译的软件系统。

5.Facebook is not the only internet giant to provoke the ire of data watchdogs.Facebook并不是唯一引起数据监管者不满的网络巨头。

6.Chinese Internet giant Tencenthas also made moves in the e-commerce space with its own platform, Paipai.中国互联网巨头腾讯也已经凭自己的拍拍网在电子商务领域展开了竞争。

7.It took nearly a decade, but Internet giant Google is finally honoring Veterans Day with a special hopday design for its famous logo.25虽然花了差不多十年的时间,但是网络巨人Google终于开始为庆祝情人节推出特别的节日图标了。

8.Although the internet giant's operating system only has a small piece of the market, it is clearly gaining momentum.虽然这家互联网巨头的操作系统仅有很小一块市场,但其显然正蓄势待发。

9.Internet giant Yahoo saw its third quarter profits more than treble - despite sales falpng by about 12% - as it slashed costs.尽管销售下降12%,因特网巨头雅虎第三季度盈利超过去年同期三倍,得益于其成本控制。

10.But there is one obvious way in which the internet giant stands to benefit if self-driving vehicles eventually become all the rage.但是非常明显的就是,如果无人驾驶的汽车最终流行风靡的话,等待这个互联网巨头的将是巨大的利益。