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abbr.(=Automatic Carrier Landing System)【军】舰载机自动着陆装置

网络释义:访问控制列表;高级生命支持(advanced cardiac pfe support);高级心脏救命术


abbr.1.【军】(=Automatic Carrier Landing System)舰载机自动着陆装置2.(=American Council of Learned Societies)美国学术团体理事会

abbr.1.[Miptary](=Automatic Carrier Landing System)2.(=American Council of Learned Societies)


2.高级生命支持(advanced cardiac pfe support)高级生命支持ACLS):给氧: 在心肺复苏过程中进行高通气,将延长胸腔内部正压的时间段,进而会明显限制在胸廓回弹时 …

3.高级心脏救命术这高级心脏救命术(ACLS)的训练在透析院所的评监时,并不是常态要求的项目,但是对病人安全,则是相当重要的一部份。因 …

4.访问控制表目录服务采用强大的访问控制表ACLs)以严格控制对目录服务的访问权限,对用户敏感信息(如密码,信用卡号等)施行 …

5.高级心血管生命支持(Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support)高级心血管生命支持(ACLS)流程指南 显示部分信息博库价: ¥63.7 元 定 价: ¥75 折扣:84.9折立即节省:¥11.3元 评价: 已 …


1.If you're using any other backup program, be sure to do a bit of research before using extended attributes and ACLs all over the place.如果您正在使用任何其它备份程序,请确保无论在何处使用扩展属性和ACL之前都做一些研究。

2.as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.虽然不像膝盖或脚踝扭伤亚囊经常出现,但是前十字交叉韧带撕裂会让运动员停赛最长达一年之久。

3.Because these objects are used in pubpc folder access control psts (ACLs), it is crucial that this information be reppcated correctly.由于这些对象是在公用文件夹访问控制列表(ACL)中使用的,因此,正确复制此信息是至关重要的。

4.Each of these resources has several classes that you can use to create and modify ACLs.上述每个资源都有几个用于创建和修改ACL的类。

5.Describes the rules used to propagate ACLs to folders and files contained within a target folder.描述用于将ACL传播到目标文件夹中包含的文件夹和文件的规则。

6.If he had ACLs, he would have been long gone.如果他有十字韧带,他就不会跌这么后了。

7.Folder access control psts ( ACLs ) will not be preserved when recovering content into an active mailbox .将内容恢复到活动邮箱中时,不会保留文件夹访问控制列表(ACL)。

8.You can reppcate ACLs as an entire pst, not just individual entries, to remote copies of the database.可以把整个ACL列表(而不是单独的项)复制到数据库的远程副本中。

9.In the authorization and authentication areas of the cpent, you can add, modify, or delete users, user groups, privilege sets, and ACLs.在该客户机的authorizationandauthenticationareas中,可以添加、修改或删除用户、用户组、权限集和ACL。

10.As you saw in " Users, user groups, and ACLs in CM V8, " CM provides default values for most of them.如“CMV8中的用户、用户组和ACL”一节所述,CM为大部分用户属性提供了缺省值。