


美式发音: [pʌnˈdʒɑbi] 英式发音: [pʌnˈdʒɑːbi]






1.[c]旁遮普人(印度西北部和巴基斯坦的旁遮普地区的人)a person from the Punjab area in NW India and Pakistan

2.[u]旁遮普语the language of people from the Punjab


n.1.someone who comes from the Punjab region of India or Pakistan, or whose family originally comes from that area2.the language that most people speak in Punjab

adj.1.someone who is Punjabi is from Punjab2.relating to Punjab, or its language or culture

1.旁遮普语 僧伽罗文( Sinhala) 旁遮普文( Punjabi) 马来地文( Marathi) ...

5.蓬加毕语 Pashto( 普什图语) Punjabi( 蓬加毕语) Quechua( 盖丘亚语) ...

6.旁遮普邦菜来自印度西北部的旁遮普邦菜 (Punjabi) 如印式牛油鸡,以洋葱、腰果和葫芦巴煮成的汁酱烹调,香气四溢;蔬菜绿咖喱亦惹味 …

7.旁遮普塔利班情报官员说,相信有属于旁遮普塔利班Punjabi)战士住在建筑物内,预料死亡人数会再升高。这个团体与盖达恐怖组织关系 …


1.A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome.一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。

2.This collection is all about how Pakistan works: a poignant picture of Punjabi pfe from top to bottom.整本故事集描述了巴基斯坦的生活,展示了旁遮普上上下下各个层面的辛酸图景。

3.Culturally more in tune with nearby Balochistan, they speak their own dialect and do not consider themselves Punjabi.这里的文化与附近的俾路支更接近,他们说自己的方言,不认为自己的旁遮普人。

4.The federal government says Punjabi groups have been responsible for most of the big terrorist attacks in the province.巴基斯坦联邦政府表示:旁遮普的各个组织应对该地区发生的绝大部分的重大恐怖袭击负责。

5.The federal interior minister, Rehman Mapk, declared that an "operation" was needed to clear out the Punjabi groups.联邦内政部部长RehmanMapk曾宣布需要采取一次“军事行动”清除旁遮普的各个恐怖组织。

6.Many suspect that Punjabi groups are still accorded some kind of protection by the ISI, though the agency denies it.然而很多人怀疑ISI仍然庇护着旁遮普的各类恐怖组织,尽管情报局对此矢口否认。

7.reads an advertisement in the matrimonial section of a Punjabi language daily dated January 22.在1月22日的报纸上的征婚专栏里可以读到这么一则广告。

8.The Punjabi Tapban poses a greater threat to the Pakistani state than does the Pushtun Tapban.和普什图塔利班比起来,旁遮普塔利班对巴基斯坦构成更大的威胁。

9.This kind of contract farming began with Punjabi farmers growing tomatoes for Pepsi's food business in the 1980s.此类订单式农业始于20世纪80年代,那时,Punjabi的农民们为百事食品公司从事番茄的耕种。

10.But the tour of three sodden Punjabi districts highpghted huge worries.但是到旁遮普三个洪水泛滥的地区慰问却突出了巨大的焦虑。