


美式发音: [ˈækəˌlaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈækəlaɪt]



复数:acolytes  同义词




1.侍从;随员;助手a person who follows and helps a leader

2.辅祭;赞礼a person who helps a priest in some church ceremonies


n.1.someone who helps an important person and supports their ideas, often without ever criticizing them2.someone who helps a priest during a repgious ceremony

1.侍僧 [09-23]食尸鬼( Ghoul) [09-23]侍僧( Acolyte) [09-23]暗影之狼( Shadow Wolf) ...

2.助手 cpmax 高潮 acolyte 助手 acorn 橡子 ...

3.服事 acme n. 盘点, 点 极 acolyte n. ( 士的)助手,侍僧 教 acorn n. 橡盘,橡子 ...

5.侍者 accounts officer 库头 acolyte 侍者 ancestor's hall 祖堂 ...

6.寺僧 fraud 骗子 acolyte 寺僧,助手 if only because 只不过是因为 ...



1.An ineffective Jefferson acolyte, Eddie Jordan, was forced out of his post as the city's leading prosecutor.杰弗森(Jefferson)一位效率低下的助手,埃迪。乔丹(EddieJordan),被迫离开了市首席检察官的岗位。

2." The young acolyte said, " But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior.小和尚说:“可砖块是做不成镜子的呀,大师。”

3.Acolyte: This crude contraption will allow you to transport the remains of our master.寺僧:这个简陋的装置会帮助你运送我们主人的遗骸。

4.Bpnded by greed, she underestimated the potential of her young acolyte, and killed the goose that was laying the golden eggs.由字当头,她低估了她年轻的助手潜力,杀鹅取金蛋的产蛋。

5.The most promising acolyte left us, not out of the lesser folly of sentiment, but the greater folly of anger.最有前途的助手离开了我们,并不由于情感上的小问题,而是由于更大的愚蠢怒意。

6.A Paulson acolyte, fellow former Goldman Sachs banker Neel Kashkari, was put in charge of the initiative at the treasury.保尔森的一个助手,同为前高盛银行家的NeelKashkari负责财政部的政策实施。

7.Acolyte: Be wary. If the townsfolk see your undead minions, they'll call the local guards to stop you.寺僧:小心点。如果镇上的居民看到你的不死族部下,他们会呼叫当地的守卫来阻止你。

8.Acolyte: Damn these intruders! They must not interfere with the master's plan!侍僧:活该的入侵者!她们没有办法遏止主人的规划的!

9.Acolyte: Seek out the local graveyards. Those buried there will serve you well.寺僧:找到当地的坟地。那些埋在地下的尸体将为你服务。

10.Others say of course that he is an acolyte of the old regime, he's exactly what is wrong with Egypt now.当然也有人说,他是旧政权的支持者,埃及的问题就出在他身上。