


美式发音: 英式发音: [kɔb]




un.1.柯布(Irvin Shrewsbury,1876-1944,美国新闻记者及幽默作家)


1.柯布 48. 全垒打王 The Babe 49. 酷伯传奇 球坛教父 COBB 51. 小子大联盟 Little Big League ...

5.盗梦者 ... ZRF( 周润发) Cobb( 盗梦者) LazyBall( 不爱动的球球) ...

6.柯柏1)柯柏Cobb)与其妻子梅尔(Mal)由现实层进入,为研究植入想法多次尝试梦中梦,并成功进入 梦的第N层(可能是第四 …


8.可勃供应可勃(Cobb)吸水性的测定仪器|YQ-Z-100ⅡYQ-Z-23A 铝箔耐破度测定仪 YQ-ZB-6 纸板戳穿强度测定仪 供应综合测试仪,M…


1.It's almost as if we're being manipulated by Dom Cobb himself, as he effortlessly travels deep into our brain to plant an idea.随着柯布毫不费力地深潜到我们的大脑里,植入一个想法时,我们被电影中的他完全操纵一样。

2.Cobb is an international fugitive because he is supposedly being sought on murder charges in the death of his wife.柯柏之所以成为一个国际逃犯是因为他被认为要为他妻子的死背负谋杀罪名。

3.He felt as ashamed as if he had, without warning her, stepped off the Cobb and set sail for China.他深感羞愧,这好比自己事先对她没打个招呼就一步迈下防波堤,乘船到中国去了一样。

4.Fry it up in a pan, serve it with eggs or on a sandwich or crumbled up in a cobb salad.在平底锅里炸一炸旁边再加个鸡蛋或是做成三明治弄成沙拉

5.Uh . . . . What Mr. Cobb is trying to say An idea.呃柯布先生想说是想法

6.If it were 1927, you might have named Babe Ruth or Ty Cobb.如果现在是1927年,你可能会认为是贝比.鲁斯(BabeRuth)或者是泰.柯布。

7.If Cobb had half a brain, he'd have happily returned to the States to have the murder charges laughed out of court.如果柯柏有点脑子的话,他早该对谋杀指控一笑置之,开开心心回到美国了。

8.Pete was being interviewed in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb's all time hits record.在一次春季训练期间皮特接受记者采访,那年他的击球记录接近打破棒球老前辈泰·柯布的总击球纪录。

9.Conclusion. Patients with a greater Cobb angle or rotation angle in the thoracic curve had a negative self-image.结论:在胸廓曲线中有更大Cobb角或旋转角的病人有一个不良的自我感觉。

10.Non-pnear model, Cobb-Douglas production function, has many advantages and is suitable for analyzing agricultural production.非线性模型—柯布道格拉斯生产函数具有很多优点,非常适合农业生产的分析。