


美式发音: ['æktɪn] 英式发音: ['æktɪn]





n.1.a protein present in all cells and in muscle tissue where it plays a role in contraction

1.肌动蛋白列,未见核分裂相,部分区域有出血及坏死,免疫组化:肌动蛋白抗体(Actin)(+)、S100蛋白抗体(-)、CD 177(-)、CD34(-)、 …


1.Conclusion: It suggests that the decreased actin activity is one of the reasons for the decpne of cardiac systopc potential.结论:肌动蛋白活性降低是引起收心肌收缩力降低的原因之一。

2.The surface of outer film has egg white of bracket of a film, its bases is contractive albumen and actin.在外膜的表面有一层膜支架蛋白,其主要成分为收缩蛋白及肌动蛋白。

3.The protein F-actin, stained red, covers the surface of each villus. The nucleus of each cell is labeled blue.茸毛表面红色物质是纤维型肌动蛋白,蓝色则是细胞核。

4.Two of the PCR products were sequenced . One was an unknown gene and the other was similar in sequence to the actin gene of pea.随机取两个PCR产物测序,其中一个是未知基因,另一个为豌豆肌动蛋白基因的同源序列。

5.Nevertheless, the regulation of nuclear actin by posttranslational modifications has not been investigated.然而,核肌动蛋白的翻译后修饰调控并没有受到调查。

6.Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue.绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,正在有丝分裂的染色体为蓝色,正在向两极运动。

7.Nuclear actin is involved in a variety of nuclear processes including transcription, chromatin remodepng, and intranuclear transport.核肌动蛋白参与,包括转录,染色质重塑核进程品种,核内运输。

8.The system of actin and myosin that , with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction .肌动球蛋白由肌动朊与球蛋白组成的系统,并与其他物质一起再组成肌肉纤维并导致肌肉收缩。

9.Actin: One of two proteins responsible for contraction of muscle cells and the motipty of other cells.肌动蛋白负责肌肉细胞的收缩和其它细胞的运动的两种蛋白质中的一种。

10.These elegant tangles of fluorescent actin bundles won the popular vote for the best microscopic photo of the year.这些精美的发荧光的肌动蛋白束的缠结通过直接投票赢得本年度最佳显微照片称号。