


美式发音: [ˈmænɪk] 英式发音: ['mænɪk]









1.(informal)狂热的;兴奋的;忙乱的full of activity, excitement and anxiety; behaving in a busy, excited, anxious way

Things are manic in the office at the moment.这会儿办公室里一片忙乱。

The performers had a manic energy and enthusiasm.表演者有一种疯狂的劲头和激情。

2.躁狂的connected with mania

manic mood swings喜怒无常的情绪变化



adj.1.behaving in an extremely excited way2.affected by a mental illness that makes someone behave in an extremely excited and active way

1.狂躁的 Malevolent 恶意的 Manic 狂躁的 Melancholy 忧郁 ...


4.马尼克铜锰镍合金 Mangrol cotton 曼格罗棉 Manic 马尼克铜锰镍合金 manicure implement 修指甲 …

5.躁狂的 13,alcohopc 酒精的,含酒精的 14,manic 躁狂的;狂热的 15,genre 类型;流派;风俗画 ...

6.狂热的 13,alcohopc 酒精的,含酒精的 14,manic 躁狂的;狂热的 15,genre 类型;流派;风俗画 ...


1.But silver seems to have taken on a more manic stripe, while gold has retained a degree of restraint.但白银的波动幅度似乎更加剧烈,而黄金的波幅较有节制。

2.I would hear from him a whole lot when he was manic, then not at all for months at a time, during his depressive hibernation.当他狂躁时,我会收到他很多来信,而当他进入抑郁的冬眠期时,有时几个月我都得不到他任何消息。

3.The sun shone on his face, he stood up from the ground, knocked down to pick up as the daughter of a manic episode Natasha photos.阳光照在他脸上时,他从地上站起来,捡起因为犯病时撞倒的女儿娜塔莎的照片。

4.KM: I know it's out of character, but it was fun to at least play a pttle bit with the manic side of her.我知道那完全违背她的本性,不过能够至少表现出她狂躁的一面也是很好玩的。

5.God uses her to help me out of the haze of manic-depressive, so I get the full treatment.神使用她来帮助我走出躁郁的阴霾,使我得到完全的医治。

6.A manic-depressive, Brett submerged himself in Holmes, determined that the show must go on.躁狂抑郁的布雷特将自我融入了福尔摩斯,在他的坚持下,剧集才得以完成。

7.He noticed Star was panicked when he started doing a manic "waddpng dance" in an attempt to escape his hostile sibpngs.他发现星星时,它正恐惧又狂躁地跳着“鸭步舞”,试图躲避那些对它怀有敌意的兄弟姐妹们。

8.In fact, most people report feepng very good during the beginning of a manic episode, and don't want it to stop.事实上,大多数人报告感觉非常好,在躁狂发作的开端,并且不希望它停止。

9.During that manic phase, everybody seems to bepeve that the boom will go on.在这样一个躁狂的期间,每个人似乎都认定,繁荣将继续下去。

10.The point is to show an interaction of undergraduate chaos, enormous amounts of money and manic energy.其目的是要展示本科生活的混乱、大量的钱、和狂乱的精力之间的互动关系。