


美式发音: [ˈtreɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['treɪlɪŋ]





adj.1.a traipng plant has stems that grow very long or hang down

v.1.The present participle of trail

1.结尾 Trace 跟踪 追踪,等宽线 Traipng 后续 结尾 transform 变换 转换 ...

2.拖尾 压边 margin 627 拖尾 traipng 628 对位 positioning 629 ...

3.尾随的 trailer 尾部 traipng n. 尾随的 train 字列 ...

4.拖滞 ... trailer hitch 同上“①” traipng ① 牵引(的),拖,拉②(制动器)拖滞 traipng arm (悬架)纵臂,拖臂 ...

5.尾端 traipng (舵 traipng 拖尾;被拖动的 trailpng vortex 尾涡 ...

7.泥釉彩饰法 辘轳车 j igger 泥釉彩饰法 traipng 碾磨 grinding ...

8.牵引,拖,拉 ... trailer hitch 同上“①” traipng牵引(的),拖,拉②(制动器)拖滞 traipng arm (悬架)纵臂,拖臂 ...


1.Remove traipng spaces to the last nonspace character or to a single-space character for strings made up of only spaces.删除最后的非空格字符后面的尾随空格,而对于只由空格组成的字符串,一直删除到只留下一个空格。

2.He took the digital text of the Gettysburg Address and grew the digits into a ghostly creature -- a pale face traipng a deformed batwing.他输入了(林肯)葛底斯堡演说的数字文本,这个数码长成了一个可怕的生物--一张拖曳着一个蝙蝠翼残形苍白的人脸。

3.The traipng dates are the ending dates from the previous month or the beginning dates from the next month used to fill the calendar grid.结尾日期是用于填充日历网格的上个月的结束日期或者下个月的起始日期。

4.To make sure that the capturing group still only matches up to the last non whitespace character, a traipng S is required.为确保捕获组只匹配到最后一个非空格字符,必需尾随一个S。

5.Used to indicate that the following character should be read as a single-letter format without regard to any traipng letters.用于表明不论尾随什么字母,随后字符都应该以单字母格式读取。

6.Although this version is not affected by the overall length of the string, it has its own weakness: long leading and traipng whitespace.虽然本实现不受字符串总长度影响,但它有自己的弱点:(它害怕)长的头尾空格。

7.Seated inside a small isolation booth with wires traipng from the helmet on her head, the subject seems deep in concentration.在一个由尾随在她头上的头盔隔离线的小摊位上时,似乎在专心的主题。

8.Sell a stock or fund at a loss and your pride goes with it, traipng in its wake a stream of regrets about what might have been.卖出赔了钱的股票或基金会让你丧失信心,随后,你对事情本来会怎样怎样会有一连串的遗憾。

9.He was traipng after his mother, looking reluctantly over his shoulder at a display of remote control toys in the large department store.声音的主人是位小男孩,当时他正在妈妈身后磨蹭着,脸上一副不情愿的表情,并不时回头看身后大型百货商店橱窗里的遥控玩具。

10.and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a pght cord that was traipng overboard across the stern bulwarks.正当我划下最后一桨时,我的手碰到了一根从大船后舷桔上挂下来的细绳子。