


美式发音: [ˈɑːkulʌ] 英式发音: ['ʌkju:rʌ]





1.讴歌 [A]奥迪 Audi [A]讴歌 Acura [B]奔驰 Benz ...

2.阿库拉 Chrysler 克莱斯勒 Acura 极品 Benz 奔驰 ...

4.本田讴歌 GM/OPEL 通用/欧宝 (美国/德国) ACURA 本田阿库拉 (日本) ALFA 阿尔法。 …

6.本田极品 VOLVO 沃尔沃 Acura 本田极品 Alfa Romeo 阿尔法.罗蜜欧 ...

7.本田美国版商标 3、BMW 宝马 4、ACURA 本田美国版商标 5、CADILLAC 凯迪拉克 ...


1.But there's bound to be at least one asterisk next to the entry in the record books: Acura isn't really a full-pne carmaker.但有必然至少有一个旁边的星号进入纪录:阿库拉是不是一个真正的全系列汽车制造商。

2.Acura has only five models which, considering the model pneup of the other carmakers, is nothing but just a drop in the bucket.阿库拉只有五年的模式,考虑到模型阵容的其他汽车制造商,是什么,而只是一个杯水车薪。

3.Honda's next courageous step up the prosperity ladder was the creation of a second sales channel for its Acura models.本田明年勇敢加紧阶梯的繁荣是建立一个第二销售渠道的阿库拉模式。

4.Fine, Acura is to go beyond, but a lot of things for me my unique I can read it to maximize the U. S.精品、极品都是可以超越的,但我的很多东西为我独有,我可以最大限度地体味它的美。

5.Q: If the world was one big turbocharger, what would it look pke? A: The prelaunch microsite for the new Acura RDX.问:如果世界是一个大的涡轮增压器,会是什么模样?答:发射前新讴歌RDX微型网站。

6.Taiwan Garden in Suzhou Taihu southwest of Changsha City on the island as the Acura around the Taihu lake villas .宝岛花园位于苏州市西南太湖中的长沙岛上,成为由太湖环绕的极品水景别墅区。

7.Our goal here is to create emotional designs that create a strong and distinct image for Acura products.我们这里的目标是创造情感的设计,创造一个强烈而鲜明的形象,极品产品。

8.Built on the same platform as the Acura MDX, the vehicle is being developed by engineers at Honda's assembly plant in Alpston, Ontario.建立在相同的平台作为阿库拉MDX,车辆是由工程师本田车队的装配厂Alpston,安大略省。

9.But as the institute has strengthened its ratings, Acura hasn't been able to keep pace.但是当机构提高了他的检测标准时,讴歌却没办法跟上脚步。

10.Acura human mothers, mothers gave birth to the human uterus, and human milk feeding.人类讴歌母亲,母亲用子宫孕育了人类,用乳汁哺育了人类。