



美式发音: [ˈbivər] 英式发音: [ˈbiːvə(r)]



第三人称单数:beavers  现在分词:beavering  过去式:beavered  同义词反义词

v.laze around

v.work,labour,labor,toil,exert yourself


n.1.海狸,海獭2.海狸皮;獭皮帽;礼帽,高帽;獭皮手套3.【印,纺】海狸呢;海狸绒布4.〈美俚〉(下巴上的)大胡子;蓄胡子的人5.工作勤恳的人6.〈俚〉干扰雷达的电台;轻[中]型飞机加油装置7.美国 Oregon 州人8.(头盔遮防颜面下部的)护面甲;脸罩9.〈美俚〉胡须;留有漂亮胡须的人,美髯公1.海狸,海獭2.海狸皮;獭皮帽;礼帽,高帽;獭皮手套3.【印,纺】海狸呢;海狸绒布4.〈美俚〉(下巴上的)大胡子;蓄胡子的人5.工作勤恳的人6.〈俚〉干扰雷达的电台;轻[中]型飞机加油装置7.美国 Oregon 州人8.(头盔遮防颜面下部的)护面甲;脸罩9.〈美俚〉胡须;留有漂亮胡须的人,美髯公

n.1.a small North American animal that has a wide flat tail and thick fur. Beavers cut down trees with their teeth and build damswalls across streams.2.the fur of a beaver, used for making clothes such as hats and coats3.an offensive word for the area around a womans sex organs

1.海狸 (Sun Devils 日魔队) (Beavers 海狸队) (Cardinal 红雀队) ...

6.海狸团队个有趣的玩意儿我参加过一次,那是陪同五岁的儿子参与海狸团队 (Beavers) 的活动(「海狸」是童军队里最年幼的级别), …


1.By day we canoed the waterways, spotting turtles, eagles and beavers before swimming in the dark brown waters off Slapfoot Beach.白天我们在河上划船,看见海龟,苍鹰和海狸,然后我们跳进斯莱普弗特海滩棕黄色的海水里去游泳。

2.The bumblebees' buzzing did not bother the beavers nor did the beavers' building bother the bumblebees.大黄蜂的嗡嗡声没有打扰到海狸,海狸建房的砰砰声也没有打扰到大黄蜂

3."Swim across! " cried the beavers. But the baby wildcats were afraid of the water and would not try to swim.“游过去!”河狸们大声叫嚷着。但是野猫娃们很怕水,谁都不敢尝试。

4.Vanilla and raspberry flavors might be enhanced by "castoreum, " a mixture of the anal secretions and urine of beavers.香草和覆盆子口味的冰激凌都含有海狸香,海狸香一种海狸粪便和尿液的混合物。

5.Like the beavers, the Dutch are great builders of dams. 27% of the Dutch territory pes below the sea level.和海狸一样,荷兰人也是筑坝高手。荷兰有27%的领域低于海平面。

6.Flash forward to the winter freeze, when the frigid temperature has turned the mud and sticks into a secure shelter for the beavers.冬季结冰时间飞逝而来,寒冷的天气已经将泥巴和木棍变成海狸的安全庇护所。

7.The bumblebees' buzzing did not bother the beavers nor did the beavers' bupding bother the bumblebees.大黄蜂的嗡嗡声没有打扰海狸.海狸的建屋也没有打扰大黄蜂

8.Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonfpes and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs .然而它却是人类和各种生物维持生命所必需的,从蜻蜓和水虎鱼到海狸和牛蛙都离不开它。

9.The beavers stopped eating, stood on their hind legs and looked around, then got into the water, too.海狸停止进食,用后腿站立,环顾四周,然后也跳到了水里。

10.The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the mavericks.我找来填补最高管理位置的那种人是做事特别卖力、独行其是的。