


网络释义:阿达德;韩馆;Advanced Drive Assist Display


1.阿达德 RV For EPSON T063450 (黄色) 魔珠防水墨水匣3入 【ADAD 韩馆】韩国空运金属装饰水饺包(咖啡) 【CASA 卡莎】亚贝斯3 …

3.Advanced Drive Assist Display ... Average queue time - 平均排队时长 ADAD自动拨号与播报系统 Adherence – 人员班次遵守程 …

7.皮夹馆 【candy 小铺】优雅韩风‧三排宝石领长版上衣 【ADAD 皮夹馆】菱形卯丁晚宴式手拿包(金) 【M.B.H- 彩虹花海】双面滚边 …

8.华宇捷铭 ·ATRIE- 雅企 ·ADAD- 华宇捷铭 ·Anristu- 安立 ...


1.City Left-behind children are who one or both their parents have been unable to pve with for work or other reasons.adad城市留守儿童是户籍所在地为城市或者城镇,父母双方或者一方由于工作或者其他原因长期不能与其一起生活的儿童。

2.Infrastructure in countryside community is the product of the pubpc in the region.adad农村社区基础设施是一个区域内的公共产品。

3.At the end of the nineteenth century BCE an ambitious solder called Shamshi- Adad brought Ashur under his control.在公元前十九世纪末,一位野心勃勃的士兵,名为沙姆希-阿达德,他使亚述在他的控制之下。

4.Today, we are in a big revolution era which embodies in the economic structure, population structure and social ideology rapid transition.adad当前,我们正处于社会大变革时代,经济结构、人口结构以及社会意识形态正在经历急剧性的转轨。

5.The overlapping problem of curriculum content exists in higher education of China for years.adad课程内容重复问题是我国旅游高等教育长期以来一直存在的问题。

6.As with Shamshi- Adad , however, Hammurapi's death caused his empire to fall apart.然而,正如跟沙姆希-阿达德一样,汉谟拉比的死也引发他的帝国的崩溃。

7.Scientific development view is the strategic choice based on the stage characteristics ofthe China's development.adad科学发展观是科学分析当前我国发展的阶段性特征基础上所作出的战略选择。