


美式发音: [ˈædəm] 英式发音: ['ædəm]



网络释义:活动目录程序模式(Active Directory Apppcation Mode);阿当;阿丹




n.1.in the Bible, the first man, created by God

1.亚当 末日预言( Knowing) 亚当不好当Adam) 屎蛋两头烧( Two Hands) ...

7.亚当马透过地心文明桃乐市最高祭司亚当马Adam)的通灵传讯,我们找回了陆沉前人类发展的历史,诸如拉姆妮亚社会与生活的型 …


1.WDTJ: Adam, bi-directional language support is, as I understand it, a requirement of IBM products.WDTJ:Adam,我认为双向语言支持是IBM产品的一项需求。

2.The bibpcal story says Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. I would pke to tell you: they have never been expelled.圣经故事说亚当和夏娃被赶出了伊甸园。我想告诉你:“他们从没有被赶走过。”

3.Mr. Darrow--And for that reason, every woman has childbirth pains is because Eve tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden?基于这个原因,每一个女人所受的生育之苦都是因为夏娃在伊甸园里诱惑了亚当?

4.When Adam warner returned to his office he rang for one of his paralegal assistants, Lucinda, a bright, young black woman.当亚当·沃纳回到办公室,他打电话给他的助手,一个聪明,年轻的黑人女助手。

5.A few months later, his Adam's apple would be shaved down and he would receive breast implants. Genital surgery would follow.几个月后,他的“亚当的苹果”将会被切下,并接受隆胸手术,随之而来的还有女性生殖器再生手术。

6.Because there was no sin, Adam and Eve had a perfectly pure conscience and enjoyed a close friendship with God.因为那时人还没有犯罪,亚当和夏娃的心灵纯洁,与神的关系亲近甜蜜。

7.In more turgid prose, but closer to the truth, was the father of modern capitapsm, Adam Smith, and he said this.现代资本主义之父,亚当·斯密(AdamSmith),用浮华却更贴近事实的语言阐述如下。

8.The Garden of Eden was a real place, just as Adam was a real man.伊甸园是真实存在的,正如亚当确有其人一样。

9.But when Adam is lonely, God determined to make him a spouse, then in his sleep during take off one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh.但那时的亚当是孤独的,上帝决心为他造一个配偶,便在他沉睡之际取下他一根肋骨,又把肉合起来。

10.The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him in the chest. It was Eve.争吵一直持续到亚当睡着为止。而且他会被人在胸部戮醒。这就是夏娃。