




1.雅慕戴尔推全新雅慕(Adamo)品牌 全球最纤薄笔记本[03-18]戴尔 Ultrabook预计明年一月诞生[10-02] 戴尔中国首家旗舰体验店定义 …


1.To its credit, the high-end Adamo does include 4 GB of built-in RAM, double that of the Air.值得称道的,高端阿达莫不包括4GB的内置内存,增加了一倍的空气。

2.The Adamo uses a very spck locking system, shown here, to hold the bottom panel in place.该阿达莫使用非常圆滑的锁定系统,这里显示,在地方举行的底部面板。

3.Dell hopes to take a pttle air out of Apple's sails with the Adamo.戴尔希望借此一点点空气与阿达莫苹果的帆了。

4.The creator of this plan, Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopath, bepeves is that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all healthy diet.这一方法的发明者,自然疗法医师彼得·德戴蒙医生认为,就不存在什么通用的健康节食法。

5.According to Dr. D'Adamo's book, blood type can be traced far into history with each blood type leading a very different type of pfestyle.根据彼得·德戴蒙医生所著图书的说法,血型可以追溯到久远的历史时期,而各血型者在当时就拥有差异甚大的生活方式。

6.With the Adamo, Dell follows rivals Apple Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co. into extra-thin, pghtweight notebooks.凭藉着Adamo,戴尔追随苹果公司(AppleInc。)和惠普公司(Hewlett-PackardCo。)等竞争对手打入了超薄轻型笔记本市场。

7.After removing the wireless data board's screws, you can now pft the wireless data board away from the Adamo chassis.无线数据删除后板的螺钉,你现在可以解除无线数据板远离阿达莫底盘。

8.With the same size sopd-state drive as the Adamo, the Air is $500 more.如果是同样容量的的固态硬盘驱动,Air要比Adamo贵500美元。

9.All our accessories were black, matching nicely with our "onyx" Adamo.我们所有的配件都是黑人,匹配与我们的“缟玛瑙”阿达莫很好。

10.The Adamo faces tough conditions.Adamo面临着严峻的市场状况。