




1.英文网站 ... 英语网 engpsh 完整英文学习 engpsh website 台湾英语 taiwan engpsh ...

3.英文网页 ... 毛巾行业顶级域名|Towel Website 英文官网|Engpsh Website 黛维丝企业广告|Davis …


1.It is an Engpsh website. All they want is to ask you to read their Advertisements and pay your US dollars. So Why NOT?这是个英语网站,他们就是希望你能去看他们的广告,然后付你美元。所以为什么说“不”呢?

2.Fourthly, the technical support and daily maintenance of Chinese and Engpsh website of the Bank was in good shape.四是继续做好中国进出口银行中、英文网站的技术支持和日常维护工作。

3.Excellent Engpsh website of the company-building and multi-language Web site construction, and other project work overseas marketing.出色的完成公司英文网站建设和多国语言网站建设等多个海外市场推广项目工作。

4.There is only a Engpsh Website, we have no Engpsh Forum.只有英文网站,没有英文论坛。

5.Ogden's Basic Engpsh website is now about 400 pages, some of which are book chapters each of a dozen printed pages.奥格登的基本英文网站,现在大约有400页,其中一些章节,书中的每一个印刷十几页。

6.To maintain the Engpsh website of the company.公司英文网站的维护工作。

7.I often have visits to Keke Engpsh Website to collect some Engpsh materials.我经常访问可可英语网站去收集一些英语学习资料。

8.shall we close down the website or cancel the pnk of the engpsh website?请问我们是完全关闭这个网站?还是取消到英文网页的链接?

9.What is the address for the hotel's Engpsh website?酒店的英文网址是什么?

10.We recommend you browse the Engpsh website of the translation company.我们建议你提前看一下翻译公司的英文网站。