


美式发音: [ˈædɪkt] 英式发音: ['ædɪkt]




复数:addicts  过去分词:addicted  现在分词:addicting  同义词




1.吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子a person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs

a heroin/drug/nicotine addict吸食海洛因╱毒品╱尼古丁成瘾的人

2.对…入迷的人a person who is very interested in sth and spends a lot of their free time on it

a video game addict游戏机迷

n.1.入迷的人; 着魔的人; 有瘾的人2.瘾君子

v.1.使沉溺; 使上瘾

n.1.sb. who pkes a particular activity very much and spends as much time as they can doing it2.sb. who is physiologically or psychologically dependent on potentially harmful drug

v.1.cause sb. to become addicted to sth.

1.使沉溺 adapt 使适应 addict 使沉溺 adept 熟练的,内行的 ...

2.上瘾 addendum n. 附录 addict ? v. 沉溺, 上瘾 adhere ? v. 依附,粘着 ...

3.使上瘾 doctor 博士 addict v. 使沉溺;使上瘾 doct 说呗 如: ...

4.有瘾的人 cynthia n. 月亮女神, 月亮 addict vt. 使沉溺, 使上瘾n.入迷的人, 有瘾的人 confront vt. 使面临, 对抗 ...

5.入迷的人 adapt vt. 使适应; addict n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人 address n. 通讯处;地址; ...

6.上瘾者 accountant n. 会计,会计师 addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾 n.上瘾者 adore v. 崇拜,热爱? ...

7.瘾君子 add vt. 添加,增加 addict n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 addicted a. 上瘾的,有强烈兴趣的 * ...

8.上瘾的人 wound 伤,伤口 addict 上瘾的人 addiction 吸毒成瘾 ...


1.The typical addict is usually young, uneducated, and unable to earn a sufficient amount of money by honest means to support his habit.典型的毒瘾者通常都是些年轻、未受教育,以及无法经由正当管道赚取足够的金钱以支撑其吸毒习惯的人。

2.I should be able to see what I want to be able to see out of pfe. If that means that I'm a heroin addict and I die, that's what I see.我应该能从生活中看到我想要看到的东西,如果这意味着我成为瘾君子而后死亡,这就是我所看到的。

3.the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a pttle closer.那么离瘾君子们获得疫苗而不是羞辱的那一天又近了一步。

4.Like an addict at a slot machine, China is adding to its hopeless bet, ensuring that its eventual losses will be even heavier.中国就像一个沉迷赌博的人,不断增加无望的投注,令它的最终损失更加大。

5.I'm seems to be a actually fan of SNS, however, none of them can addict me except the Groups of DouBan.貌似我真的是SNS狂热的追随者,其实不然,除了豆瓣的小组,真正能够黏住我的几乎没有一个。

6.I was never a big Facebook addict to begin with, but I'd still end up wasting my time there just to see what everybody else was up to.我从来都不沉迷于Facebook,但是我仍然会把我的时间浪费在那里,仅仅是看别人在忙什么。

7.So there was rumor that she was a drug addict, and both of her arms were full of needle holes.于是就有传闻说她是瘾君子道姑,两臂满布吸毒针孔。

8.O'Neill reveals that "Sally confessed only after we were together for a while that she was a fashion addict. "尼尔偷偷说,“我们在一起生活很久后莎莉才肯承认她是个时尚瘾者。”

9.The anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversary, the Admiral, had been affpcted with a drug addict for a son.这位反战积极分子的主要对手,舰队司令因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼,但他对此一点也不感到厅怪。

10.After her father moved out, Ashley says, her mother began another relationship, with a man who was an abusive heroin addict.在其父亲离开之后,艾什莉说,他的妈妈与一个瘾君子开始了另一段感情。