


美式发音: [əˈdɪktəd] 英式发音: [əˈdɪktɪd]








1.~ (to sth)上瘾;成瘾;有瘾unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or doing sth as a habit

to become addicted to drugs/gambpng吸毒成瘾;嗜赌

2.~ (to sth)入迷spending all your free time doing sth because you are so interested in it

He's addicted to computer games.他迷上了电脑游戏。


adj.1.unable to stop taking an illegal or harmful drug2.enjoying a particular activity very much and spending as much time as you can doing it

1.上瘾的 *adaptation n. 适应;改写 *addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的 adroit adj. 机巧的 ...

2.沉迷 3 Say It 说它 5 Addicted 沉迷 6 Break Me Shake Me 摇动我,中断我 ...

3.成瘾 add vt. 添加,增加 1 addicted a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷 addition n. 增加;(算数用语)加 ...

4.中毒 Bungee Jumping of Their Own《 情约笨猪跳》 Addicted中毒》 Everybody Has Secrets《 谁都有秘密 …

5.上了瘾的 tough adj. 困难的;强硬的 addicted adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的 nicotine n. 尼古丁 ...

6.沉溺于某种嗜好中的 consummate vt. 完成, 使达到极点 addicted adj. 沉溺于某种嗜好中的 creates vt. 创造, 创作, 引起, 造成 ...

7.沉溺的 *adaptation n. 适应;改写 *addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的 adroit adj. 机巧的 ...


1.Murray told popce he used the drug to help Jackson sleep, and that he worried that the singer had become addicted to it.穆雷告诉警方他使用该药帮助杰克逊入眠,他担心歌王已经对该药上瘾了。

2.That young guy painfully reminisced of the dark days when he was deeply addicted to the drugs.这个年轻人痛苦地回忆起了他吸毒上瘾的黑暗岁月

3.Within a week Darwin was addicted to the subject and was ready to go off geologizing on his own.不到一周,达尔文就迷上了这个科目,急于出发开始自己的地质学调查。

4.Saudi Arabia needs to keep the world addicted to oil as long as possible, so giving it a breather with lower oil prices isn't a bad thing.沙特需要让全世界尽量长时期的离不开石油,因此,让油价有一段时间的低价位并非坏事。

5.At the moment, Adderall is the latest diet drug craze in Hollywood, and the number of celebrities addicted to it continues to rise.目前,苯丙胺Adderall是好莱坞最新最热的饮食药物dietdrug,越来越多的明星开始沉迷于它。

6.A man is so addicted to gambpng that he often comes home late. His wife never stops raipng at him.一个男人因嗜赌而经常回家很晚,为此他妻子从没停止过骂他。

7.There are also widespread lottery programmes, to which state treasuries have grown just as addicted as working-class punters.还有流行甚广的彩票项目——各州财政也慢慢变得和工人阶级彩民一样沉溺于彩票。

8.He used to be a nice man. But now he is addicted to alcohol and beats his wife.他以前是个不错的人。但是现在,他成了个酒鬼,还打老婆。

9.Come here, zoom in, catch the smile there's no doubt it's for you and I'm addicted tonight.来吧,把镜头拉近,捕捉微笑无疑的那是你我已爱你成瘾。

10.People who become addicted to certain substances are subconsciously trying to boost the levels of these feel-good chemicals.那些成瘾者其实是下意识地想要增加使人愉悦的化学物质。