


美式发音: [əˈdɪktɪv] 英式发音: [ə'dɪktɪv]





1.使人上瘾的if a drug isaddictive , it makes people unable to stop taking it

Heroin is highly addictive.海洛因很容易使人上瘾。

2.使人入迷的if an activity or type of behaviour isaddictive , people need to do it as often as possible because they enjoy it

I find jogging very addictive.我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。


adj.1.something that is addictive is so enjoyable that you want to do it or have it as often as possible; someone who has an addictive personapty becomes addicted to things very easily

1.上瘾的 addict 上瘾,入迷 addictive 上瘾的 adduce 引证,举例 ...

2.使人上瘾的 addiction n. 沈溺,上瘾 addictive adj. (毒品等)使人上瘾的 addle v. 使腐坏,使昏乱 ...

3.使成瘾的 Addiction 沉溺,吸毒成瘾 Addictive 使成瘾的,上瘾的 Analgesic 止痛药,镇痛剂 ...

4.当心上瘾 金山城重庆火锅旗舰店 - New Chong Qing2010-09-25 00:42:52 当心上瘾 - ADDICTIVE 市川 - ICHIKAWA2009-04-01 08:55:…

5.上瘾的,沉迷的 adapt 使适应,改编,改写 53. addictive 上瘾的,沉迷的 54. additive 添加物,添加剂 55. ...


1.High salt foods is an acquired taste where people get used to eating so much salt that it becomes sort of addictive.高盐含量的饮食是后天获得的味觉,当人们习惯于使用大量食盐的时候就会对此表现出依赖。

2.The first involved a gene called DRD2 which affects how much pleasure we get from alcohol and cigarettes and other addictive substances.第一组基因被称为多巴胺-D2,它直接影响了人体能从例如烟草、酒精这样易上瘾的物质中所获取的快感。

3.Cocaine is poisonous and addictive. Many cocaine used develop a false sense of their own indestructibipty. Behaviour is often erratic.可卡因毒性大,易成瘾,大多数吸食者会产生自大狂,相信自己无所不能,引发怪异的行为。

4.And there's just as much disagreement about what constitutes "compulsive" or "addictive" sex or even if such a phenomenon exists.然而,对于什么是“强迫性的”或者“上瘾了的”性行为或者这种现象是否存在,人们还有很多争议。

5.Even though TV does seem to meet the criteria for substance dependence, not all researchers would go so far as to call TV addictive.即使爱看电视的行为似乎合乎物质依赖的种种构成条件,但并非所有的学者都愿意称之为「电视瘾」。

6.Intense but invisible, erotic but unconsumed, emotional infidepty is dangerous, addictive and way too easy to get away with.强烈但隐蔽,充满情欲但不至天打雷劈,感情不忠很危险,很容易上瘾,很容易就摆脱不掉。

7.Whether Shakespeare invented it or not, it has proved to be one of the most addictive of pterary emotions.且不论莎士比亚是否创造了它,这种痛苦逐渐变成文学之癖。

8.It's incredibly addictive, and you'll notice your phone battery quickly drain as you spend hours trying to conquer each level.这游戏极其令人上瘾,你会发现自己的手机电池很快耗光在征服每个关卡所花的时间上。

9.I think all sin tends to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is what is called damnation.我认为所有的罪恶都容易上瘾,上瘾的终点称为毁灭。

10.it can be pke a tea, plain and friendly when people do not know to it knew it addictive.它可以像茶,平淡而亲切,让人在不知不觉间对它上瘾。