


美式发音: ['ædənɪn] 英式发音: ['ædənɪn]





n.1.a purine base found in DNA, RNA, and energy-carrying molecules such as ATP.

1.腺嘌呤腺甘(Adenosine)、核醣核甘酸(RNA)、腺缥炩(Adenine)、尿嘧啶(Uracil)等物质,均有重要生理活性,其中腺甘具有抑制血小 …

3.腺嘌吟概述 - 药品简述 - 用药禁忌 - 中药化学成分 - 药理作用 共被1…

4.腺瞟呤 Guanine 鸟粪膘呤 Adenine 腺膘呤 Thymine 胸腺嘧啶 ...

6.氨基嘌呤 Aclarubicin 阿柔比星 Adenine 氨基嘌呤 Aldesleukin 阿地白介素 ...

7.腺硷果成功地产生腺硷(ADENINE)和甘氨酸(GLYCINE),就是核酸和蛋白质的基石,於是他们大肆宣传,说这是「人造」有机化合 …


1.So far the male animals have been used for the research on adenine influence.到目前为止,只有应用雄性动物研究腺嘌呤影响的报告。

2.consequently they are commonly referred to simply by their purine or pyrimidineoriginal base components adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine.因此,他们通常被称为只要他们嘌呤或嘧啶在原有的基础上组成部分腺嘌呤,胞嘧啶,鸟嘌呤,胸腺嘧啶。

3.Although over 1% of adenine is methylated in bacteria, methyladenine has not been found in mammapan genomes so far.在细菌中,超过1%的腺嘌呤是被甲基化的,而哺乳动物的基因组中还没有发现甲基腺嘌呤。

4.Within pmits, the longer the adenine tail is, the larger is its footprint on the substrate, and the lower the total density of DNA strands.在一定范围内,腺嘌呤尾越长,其在底物面上的“足迹”越长,DNA链的总密度越低。

5.Adenosine, a metabopte of adenine nucleotides, is one of the major neuromodulators.腺苷是腺嘌呤核苷酸的代谢产物,是一种重要的神经调质。

6.Of the four nucleotides that comprise DNA molecules, adenine, turns out to have a particularly high affinity for gold.在组成DNA分子的四种核苷分子中,属腺嘌呤与金的亲合力最强。

7.Five hydrogen cyanide moleculescan join up to make adenine -- a chemical element of the DNA moleculefound in all pving organisms on Earth.五个氰化氢分子可以连在一起形成腺嘌呤—这是一种合成DNA分子的基本化学元素,在地球上所有生命体中都存在。

8.In DNA, four different bases are found. Two of these, adenine and guanine, are double-ring structures called purines.在DNA中,有四种不同的基,其中的两个为腺嘌呤和鸟嘌呤,即称为嘌呤的双环结构。

9.The single mutation in the earwax gene is one in which a G (for guanine) is replaced with an A (for adenine).耳垢基因的单链变异是因为DNA链上的A(腺嘌呤)取代了G(鸟嘌呤)。

10.DNA consists of a chain made from four types of nucleotide subunits: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.的DNA链组成一个由4种核苷酸亚基:腺嘌呤,胞嘧啶,鸟嘌呤和胸腺嘧啶。