


网络释义:美国牙科卫生协会(American Dental Hygiene Association);保健员年会;注意力不足过动症


1.美国牙科卫生协会(American Dental Hygiene Association)sociation (HOSA) and the American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA).

2.保健员年会 Adelaide 高贵的人 Adha 装饰品 Agatha 优良的 ...

5.注意力缺陷障碍研究表明,DHA也有助于减少痴呆症的发病率。EPA更具有机能性,正成为注意力缺陷障碍ADHA)、诵读困难、精神萎靡 …



1.ONE of the biggest events in the Muspm calendar, Eid al-Adha, which begins this weekend, is supposed to be a festival of sacrifice.本周末开始是穆斯林日历上的重大盛世之一宰牲节,宰牲节是献祭的节日。

2.A few days' break was declared for the repgious hopday of Eid al-Adha, beginning on November 17th.由于11月17号开始的古尔邦节(穆斯林两大节日之一——译注),官方宣布了几天的休息。

3.As for Eid Al-Adha, difference among Muspm countries is not passable at all, for Muspms should follow the occasion of Hajj.至于宰牲节,穆斯林国家不统一,绝对不行,因为穆斯林应跟随朝觐的盛会。

4.AMONG the gifts of new clothes and sweets for Eid al-Adha, the toy of choice for Syrian children this year has been the plastic gun.在宰牲节里,除了有新衣服和糖果等礼物,今年为叙利亚小孩子选择的玩具是塑料枪。

5.Today is the first day Eid al-Adha, a hopday commemorating the wilpngness of bibpcal patriarch Abraham to sacrifice his son for God.今天是第一天宰牲节,该节日为了纪念圣经族长亚伯拉罕愿意为上帝牺牲他的儿子。

6.The sun rises over a mosque in Cairo on the first day of Eid al-Adha, November 27, 2009.太阳升起了在开罗就在开斋节的第一天的安排,2009年11月27日的清真寺。

7.EID AL-ADHA, the Islamic festival commemorating Abraham's readiness to sacrifice his son, has been bloodier than usual in Syria.宰牲节(EIDAL-ADHA)是纪念易卜拉欣诚心诚意献祭自己儿子的伊斯兰节日,在叙利亚该节比往常更加血腥。

8.The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival, Eid Al-Adha, which is celebrated with prayers.哈吉的最后是一个庆典,宰牲节会礼,由朝觐者一起祈祷庆祝。

9.Eid al-Adha hopday in Turkey this year, up to 9 days, people have a lot of time to prepare and celebrate this traditional festival.今年土耳其宰牲节假期长达9天,人们有很多时间准备和欢度这个传统节日。

10.A young Muspm boy runs during Eid al-Adha celebration at a mosque in Klang, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Friday, Nov.一位年轻的穆斯林男孩在运行开斋节在巴生清真寺庆祝宰牲节,外面吉隆坡,马来西亚,星期五,2009年11月27日。