




1.化学 「铁矾土矿( Bauxi 「化学( Chemi 「核能发电厂( Nuc ...

2.化学转移泵 ... 静态混和器 Static Mixers 化学转移泵 Chemi 融熔塑胶压力计 Melt Pressure Transducers ...

3.凯米 伟星光学- WEIXING 凯米- CHEMI 大明光学- DAEMYUNG ...

4.水心水星 ... wiedia 熊熊爱囡囡 chemi 水心水星 wangchunjing 小情绪_99 ...

5.其美 Karma 嘎玛 Chemi 其美 tashi 扎西 ...

6.化学药品品 无机化学药品(CHEIN) 无机化学药品 混合化学药品(CHEMI) 混合化学药品 有机化学药品(CHEOR) 有机化学药品 。。。。 …


1.These lead to the conclusion that the molecules of activator tightly stick to the surface of flyash by chemi. . .证明活化剂分子是以化学键牢固地结合在粉煤灰表面上而使其显著改性。

2.The research results of poplar chemi-mechanical pulping, bleaching and papermaking with other fiber furnishes are presented in this paper.本文叙述了杨木CMP制浆、漂白以及与其它浆料配浆造纸的研究成果。

3.The major raw materials are chemi-mechamical wood pulp and chemical wood pulp and there are special requirements for its making and product.生产所用的主要原料为化机木浆和化学木浆,对其抄造及产品有特定要求。

4.The relationship between chemi-luminescence in peripheral blood lymphocyte and TNM stage in patients with gastric and colorectal carcinoma胃、结肠癌患者外周血淋巴细胞化学发光与TNM分期的关系

5.Six tented rooms have biodegradable chemi-loos, solar-powered electricity and private verandahs - perfect for wildpfe watching6个帐篷形的房间有着可以生物降解的化学洗手间,太阳能电源和私人走廊——完美的野生动物观赏地。

6.Bio-Chemi-Mechanical Pulping of Wheat Straw with Hot Water and Xylanase Pretreatment热水和木聚糖酶预处理制备麦草碱法化机浆的研究

7.High-speed determination of trace gold in geochemical sample by chemi-spectrophotometric method化学光谱法测定化探样品中痕量金

8.Characteristic of the Key Equipment of the Chemi-mechanical Pulping Line化学机械浆主体设备的技术性能分析

9.Synthesis and Characterization of Chemi-Bonded Absorbent化学键合吸附剂的合成及表征

10.Study on Chemical Composition and Chemi-mechanical Pulping Properties of Reed芦苇化学成分及其化学机械浆性能研究