


美式发音: [ədˈhɪr] 英式发音: [ədˈhɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:adheres  现在分词:adhering  过去式:adhered  同义词反义词


v.stick to,follow,keep to,stand by,abide by



1.[i]~ (to sth)黏附;附着to stick firmly to sth

Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。

v.1.遵循;坚持 (to)2.黏附;固着 (to)3.追随;依附4.使黏附1.遵循;坚持 (to)2.黏附;固着 (to)3.追随;依附4.使黏附

v.1.to stick to something

1.坚持 adopt 收养;采纳 adhere 坚持 adjacent 邻近的 ...

2.粘附 粘度〖 viscosity〗 粘附adhere〗 粘合〖 bind;bond;adhere〗 ...

3.粘着 addict ? v. 沉溺, 上瘾 adhere ? v. 依附,粘着 adjourn ? vi. 延期,休会 ...

4.遵守,坚持 acute a. 尖锐的,剧烈的 adhere vi. 粘附;遵守,坚持 administer vt. 掌管,执行 ...

5.追随 adequate a. 足够的;可以胜任的 adhere vi. 粘附;追随;坚持 adjective n. 形容词 a.形容词 …

6.附着 adequate 足够的 adhere 附着;固守 adieu 再会 ...

7.黏附 address 演说 adhere 黏附,附着 adjacent 临近的,毗邻的 ...


1.He said he would stick to the site do a good job, but also to adhere to the web of pfe in Chengdu, a good job, to make it work as expected.他说要坚持下去把网站工作搞好,同时也要坚持把成都的生命网工作做好,使它发挥预期的作用。

2.Ultimately, it depends on whether they adhere to a "great man" interpretation of Apple, or any company for that matter.从根本上来说,这取决于他们是否坚持“巨人论”,即苹果或其他类似公司存在乔布斯这样的“巨人”。

3.Pouring cold water so that it is very sad Charlotte, but she did not lose confidence in the still silence To adhere to the writing.这一盆冷水使夏洛蒂很伤心,但她并没有因此而丧失信心,仍然默默地坚持写作。

4.The cube self-assembles from pieces of DNA designed to adhere to one another, but the ends of each piece do not join up .立方体是由设计成会互黏在一起的DNA片段自行组合而成的,但每个片段的两端并不会连在一起。

5.They would, in short, adhere to a more peaceful course and let the forces of history work their will, at least for a few years.简言之,至少在几年以内他们将遵循比较和平的途径,让历史的力量实现自己的意志。

6.Jadeite jewelry is decorous, if the symbol of the holy oil, long-term exposure to it is easily smeary adhere to the surface, influence.翡翠首饰是高雅圣洁的象征,若长期使它接触油污,油污则容易粘在表面,影响光彩。

7.This system was made famous by Jack Welch but is so distasteful that even GE does not adhere to it as repgiously as it used to.杰克-韦尔奇(JackWelch)让这种做法尽人皆知,但人们现在对此十分厌恶,就连通用电气(GeneralElectric)也不像过去那么虔诚地坚守这种做法了。

8.When adopting SOA, it is imperative to adhere to open standards instead of trying to bypass them or create homegrown solutions.采用SOA时,务必遵循开放标准,而不要尝试忽略这些标准或自己创建替代解决方案。

9.How much better the world might be if more of today's product designers could adhere to such a principle.当今如果能有更多的产品设计师遵守这条法则,那也许世界会变得更好。

10.The poultice needs first to adhere to the substrate and be easy to use and prepare before presenting a real effect on salt extraction.首先需求的膏药坚持基板和易于运用,并准备提交一份关于前盐提取实效。