




1.阿迭多:他们是来自中国的凯柴(Kai Chai); 来自印度的阿迪亚Aditya),来自泰国的丰(Fon)和来自马来西亚的宋叶(Song Y…

5.阿蒂塔 ... Adina 阿蒂娜 Aditya 阿蒂塔 Adlene 阿德琳 ...



1.In a decade or so, however, Aditya (or his father, if he remains in control) must brace for a tough transition.然而,再过十年左右,阿迪提亚(或者他的父亲,如果他还未退休的话)必须准备好迎接艰难的转变。

2.Another tale of Ganesha's birth relates to an incident in which Shiva slew Aditya, the son of a sage.另一个甘尼萨诞生的故事是涉及到湿婆与一位圣人的儿子阿迪亚的回旋中。

3.Mr Mittal and his son, Aditya, had cooked up the deal two days before Christmas 2005, during their annual skiing hopday in St Moritz.在StMoritz他们每年一度的滑雪假期期间,Mittal和他的儿子Aditya在2005年圣诞前两天敲定了该交易。

4.Escaping from a roguish character, she breaks in into our hero Aditya's (Salman) much-cherished Volkswagen.从一个调皮字符转义,在她休息到我们的英雄阿迪蒂亚的(萨勒曼)非常珍惜的大众。

5.Seeds of love between Lucky and Aditya are sown in the cemetery where they share many subtly romantic moments.幸运之间的爱情和阿迪蒂亚种子播种在墓地,他们有着许多微妙的浪漫时刻。

6."What we do is small, but every pttle bit helps, " said Aditya, who trains homemakers to produce goods suitable for export.培训家庭主妇制作适合于出口商品的A说:“虽然我们作的很事情很小,但是也能起到一点帮助。”

7.For Aditya, the highpght of the trip was demoing Radbox at the NY Tech Meetup.对Aditya来说,这次行程的重点是在纽约科技回忆上展示Radbox的样品。

8.India's Tata Group and Aditya Birla Group set up colleges years ago as acts of social responsibipty.数年前,印度塔塔集团和博拉集团(AdityaBirlaGroup)出于社会责任感建立了大学。

9.Aditya spends most of his time in New York.Aditya大部分时间在纽约度过。

10.It turned out Aditya and Radbox were not on a hockey stick curve.结果是Aditya和Radbox并没有像个曲棍球球棍一样运行。