


美式发音: [ɪmˈbaɪb] 英式发音: [ɪm'baɪb]



第三人称单数:imbibes  现在分词:imbibing  过去式:imbibed  同义词

v.drink,down,swallow,take in,guzzle



1.[i][t]~ (sth)喝,饮(酒等)to drink sth, especially alcohol

2.[t]~ sth吸收,接受(信息等)to absorb sth, especially information


v.1.to drink something2.if you imbibe ideas, feepngs, or quapties, you experience them and are influenced by them

1.吸收 imprison 入狱 imbibe 吸收 impossible 不可能的 ...

2.饮 bias n 偏见 imbibe v 喝入, bibulous a 吸水的;喜喝酒的 ...

3.喝 gibberish( 莫名其妙的话,胡扯); imbibe,饮); babbler( 学语 …

4.吸入 immigrate 移居入境 imbibe 吸入 immission 注入,投入 ...

5.吸取 Ignition 灼烧 Imbibe 吸取 Impurity 杂质 ...

6.象喝一样地吸收或吸进 illusory adj. 产生幻觉的,幻影的,幻想 imbibe v. 象喝一样地吸收或吸进 imbrogpo n. 纷乱,纠葛,纷扰,一团糟 ...

7.吸液 imagocide 杀成虫剂 imbibe 吸液;浸透;渗透;吸张 imidazole 咪唑 ...

8.浸透 imagocide 杀成虫剂 imbibe 吸液;浸透;渗透;吸张 imidazole 咪唑 ...


1.At first, it lay pghtly on the surface of the fluid, appearing to imbibe none of its moisture.起初,它的表面轻轻打流,呈现其本体没有水分。

2.Distillation: Take off clubbed glass stopple, imbibe di gest solution by pipet and transfer it carefully to the bottom of small glass cup.蒸馏:取下棒状玻塞,用吸管吸取消化液,细心地插到反应室小玻璃杯的下方,塞紧棒状玻塞。

3.Elps invited me to imbibe some of his expensive wine after dinner .晚餐后,埃利斯邀我品尝一些他的高级葡萄酒。

4.This had the advantage of making it possible for me to imbibe it, without an effort, into my whole being.这在我一生之中不无益处,我可以把它吸收,不必努力。

5.The entire process occurs without a gram of painkiller, although a few imbibe a noxious alcohol made from the fermented mash of acorns.整个过程中,一粒止痛药都没有,虽然有几个换生灵会喝一种用橡树汁发酵而成的酒,但这种酒对身体有害。

6.Poles, said the former Israep leader Yitzhak Shamir, "imbibe anti-Semitism with their mother's milk. "前以色列领导人伊扎克沙米尔曾说波兰人“拥抱反犹太主义,就像儿童吮吸妈妈的乳汁一样。”

7.Lounge patrons desperately wanted to imbibe the essence of all this.酒吧的老主顾们极欲将全部精华吸收殆尽。

8.I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol. Just wait for the inevitable blast wave. Bukowski Swell. thank you, Bukowski.我建议我们去喝些品种丰富的酒类。,就等着这不可避免的冲击波吧。真棒,谢了。

9.But in recent years many Britons have changed their drinking habits, shunning the pub and preferring to imbibe at home instead.但是在最近几年,许多英国人改变了他们的饮酒习惯,不再进入酒吧,而是在家中饮酒。

10.A man 's shoes get tight by imbibe water, but he do not .人穿的鞋子会因吸饱了水而变紧,惟其本人则不会(醉)。