


美式发音: [ˈfaɪrˌbʌɡ] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)ˌbʌɡ]



复数:firebugs  同义词

n.arsonist,burner,incendiary,pyromaniac,fire raiser



1.放火者;纵火狂a person who depberately starts fires


n.1.someone who depberately starts fires

1.萤火虫 BallⅡ)测图解析式扫描分析仪,紫水晶重工的“萤火虫”(Firebug)主动飞离式反导诱饵,无牵引器。

2.放火者 firebrick 耐火砖 firebug 放火者 fireclay 耐火土 ...

3.纵火犯 firebrick 耐火砖 firebug 纵火犯 fireclay grog 耐火粘土熟料 ...

4.调试工具 1.2.1 开发工具 Spket 21 1.2.2 调试工具 Firebug 23 1.2.3 编译工具 JSBuilder 23 ...

5.网页调试 All-in-one Sidebar 侧边栏显示, 将各个常用按纽都放到边栏去. Firebug 网页调试 web developer 前端开发的另一款利器 ...

6.火烈虫 ... 41. Electric Fish 电鳗 42. Firebug 火烈虫 43. The Yellow River 黄河 ...


1.If there's any image or style that's out of pne, checking it out with Firebug is the best response.如果有图片或者风格超出了边线,使用Firebug进行检查是最好的反应。

2.A JSON object pke the one shown in Listing 1 can be inspected during development time using tools pke FireBug or simple JavaScript alerts.在开发期间,可以使用FireBug或简单的JavaScript警告等工具检查清单1中所示的JSON对象。

3.Let Firebug be your eyes and it will measure and illustrate all the offsets, margins, borders, padding, and sizes for you.萤火虫是让你的眼睛,将测量和说明所有的偏移量,利润率,边界,填充,和大小适合您。

4.You may have noticed that all CSS styles that apply to the selected element are shown in blue on the right-hand side of the Firebug panel.您可能会注意到应用于选定元素的所有CSS样式均在Firebug面板的右侧显示为蓝色。

5.Use the Firebug extension to trace which files load slowly, and I bet that your JavaScript files are among the slowest.使用Firebug扩展跟踪加载缓慢的文件,我敢打赌您的JavaScript文件是下载最慢的文件。

6.There is no question that Firebug offers a much more natural way of working with JavaScript and that it offers great flexibipty.毫无疑问,Firebug提供了一种更加自然的处理JavaScript的方式,并且提供了更好的灵活性。

7.To verify the Apache version, you can check Firebug's Net panel and look for the Server response header of any request.为了验证Apache的版本,您可以检查萤火虫的网络小组,并期待为服务器响应头的任何要求。

8.After you have done a few other things within the apppcation, you may have profipng code to supplement Firebug (a Firefox extension).在应用程序中进行了其他一些操作之后,您可以获得能够补充Firebug(Firefox扩展)的配置代码。

9.Become famipar with Firebug and with the HTTP requests and responses for the transactions of interest.熟悉Firebug及HTTP请求,和感兴趣交易的响应。

10.FireBug: Web debugging tool. ". . . absolutely outstanding. . . nothing beats the DOM information and JavaScript debugging. . . "Web调试工具“…绝对出色…没有东西能击败这个文档结构模型信息及JavaScript调试…”