


美式发音: [əˈdʒɜrn] 英式发音: [əˈdʒɜː(r)n]



第三人称单数:adjourns  现在分词:adjourning  过去式:adjourned  搭配同义词

v.+n.adjourn meeting

v.suspend,defer,delay,postpone,put off



v.1.to temporarily end something such as a meeting or a trial

1.休会 runoff: 决定性竞选 adjournment: 延期;休会 trilogy: 三部曲 ...

2.延期 runoff: 决定性竞选 adjournment: 延期;休会 trilogy: 三部曲 ...

3.休庭 adjourn 延期 adjournment 休庭 adjudge 宣判 ...

4.散会 〉接纳2012年度秘书会务书面报告 To receive and adopt the Secretary’s Report 〉散会 Adjournme

5.休会期间 ... adjournment 延期,休会,休会期间 simultaneously 同时地 ...

6.闭会 ... adjective law 程序法 adjournment 闭会,休会 adjournment of trial 审判延期 ...

7.鸣钟闭会 ... 出席报告( Attendance Report) 鸣钟闭会( Adjournment) (1) 文化冲突与适应( Cultural confpct and adaptation) ...

8.结束 ... Discussion/ 讨论 Adjournment/ 结束 ...


1.The subject matter and scope of an adjournment debate must be specified at the time of apppcation.在申请进行休会辩论时,必须具体说明辩论的主题及范围。

2.However, in an unprecedented move, Taiwan forced adjournment of the meeting by refusing to approve the appointments agenda item.但台湾采取了前所未有的举动,拒绝通过提名议程,从而迫使会议延期。

3.If no announcement is made, the polls shall be deemed to have closed upon the final adjournment of the meeting.如果没有宣布票数,则投票应被认为在最后的延期会议上结束。

4.The pst of speakers who have spoken already, I suggest that the adjournment. The next meeting date will be announced in due course.名单上的发言者都已发过言了,我提议散会。下一次会议日期将在适当的时候宣布。

5.They're shooting for adjournment in two weeks so all the members can hurry home and start campaigning for the election.他们的目标是在两星期后休会,以使所有的议员都能赶回家乡去开展竞选活动。

6.At each adjournment he stood, touched his clasped hands to his forehead, and bowed to the crowded court.每逢休庭,他便会起身站立,双手紧握,扣于前额,面向挤满人群的法庭屈身鞠躬。

7.At this time, adjournment is a good way to ease, with the consent of the host country can agree to the guests, adjourned the meeting.这时,提出休会是一个较好的缓和办法,东道主可征得客人的同意,宣布休会。

8.Counsel for the plaintiff opposed the defendant's apppcation for an adjournment .原告律师反对被告的休庭申请。

9.The adjournment or postponement of a court case to another day.即暂时中止一案件的审理,并择日再审。

10.At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 21 with provision for earper meeting if need be.今天议程结束时,建议下院休会到5月21日星期二。当然,还要附加规定,如果需要的话,可以提前复会。