


美式发音: [ˌædəˈles(ə)nt] 英式发音: [.ædə'les(ə)nt]




复数:adolescents  同义词





1.青少年a young person who is developing from a child into an adult

adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face13 至 18 岁的青少年以及他们面临的问题



adj.1.changing into a young man or woman2.silly, and considered typical of a young person3.relating to the period of adolescence

n.1.a boy or girl who is changing into a young man or womanThe physical changes that take place at this time are known as puberty. An adolescent between the ages of 13 and 19 is called a teenager

1.青少年 adolescence 青春期 adolescent 青少年 adopt 采用;收养 ...

2.青春期的 adolescence n. 青春期 adolescent n. 青春期的, 青春的 adopt v. 采用, 收养 ...

3.青少年的 adolescence 青春期,青少年 adolescent 青少年的,青春期的 King 专升本 …

4.青春期的,青少年的 adjoin v. 临近,靠近;贴近,毗连 adolescent n. 青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的 advance n. 前进, …

5.少女 adolescent 年轻人 adolescent 少女 adolescent growth 青少年生长 ...

6.青春期的,青春的 admit --v. 容许,承认,接纳 adolescent --adj. 青春期的,青春的;n.青少年 adopt --vt. 采用,收养 ...


1.Adolescent girls from the first incoming tide began to have hormone fluctuations and a lack of iron, all affect sleep.青春期女孩从第一来潮开始就有荷尔蒙的起伏和铁的缺乏,都影响睡眠。

2.Yet Mozart's adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.然后莫扎特的青少年愿望(炫耀自己的技术)在此之际没有创造出杰作。

3.Steve locked his gaze on Miss White with adolescent adoration, as she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade.她宣布七年级测验结果的时候,史蒂夫用那种青春期特崇敬盯着怀特小姐。

4.Unable to think in the abstract, his mental capacity never really got beyond that of an adolescent.由于无法抽象思考,他的智力从未真正超过一个未成年人。

5.So you couldn't be too kind to him, as he became an adolescent, because if you were he would not respect you.所以你不能对他太客气,他也到青春期了,你太软弱的话,他也不会尊重你。

6.Even in her late thirties, Earhart looked pke an adolescent boy who had chopped off his own hair.即使在她三十岁后期,埃尔哈特看上去还像一个剪掉自己头发的青春期男孩。

7.An adolescent is often caught up in fantastic thoughts.青少年常常沉溺于奇异的想法。

8.As an inevitable problem in adolescent girls' mental development, identity problems have always been a hot topic in American pterary works.同一性问题作为少女精神成长必然面临的问题,历来是美国文学作品热衷讨论的话题。

9.My discussions with him as he mentored me were pke graduate seminars in adolescent development, classroom management and school leadership.在和他的讨论时,在青少年毕业研讨会上,在讨论教室管理和学校领导能力等问题时,他是我良师益友。

10.The British model Twiggy is often cited for introducing the boyish, adolescent body type as a western feminine ideal.英国模特崔姬(Twiggy)常被引证为开创了以男孩般、青春期男孩体型为西方女性理想体型的风潮。