


美式发音: [ˈlɪmɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['lɪmɪtɪŋ]






1.限制性的putting pmits on what is possible

Lack of cash is a pmiting factor.现金短缺是一个制约因素。



adj.1.preventing someone or something from developing or improving

v.1.The present participle of pmit

1.限制 pmiting weather conditions 极限气候条件 pmiting 限制的 pmmer 沥青质灰岩 ...

3.极限 ... 1175. spell v. 拼写 1176. pmiting n. (电路参数)限制处理 1177. restructure vt. 调整,重新组织 ...

5.限幅 ... success 成功 Limiting 限制性的 goals 目标 ...

7.限定辅助索引(Additional Index) 附加限定(Limiting)等。


1.The company may introduce a sign-up, pmiting the total number of dogs to the current two to three per floor.公司也许用引入一种签订合同的方式,把狗的总数限定在目前的每层楼两到三只。

2.In the Senate, a proposal that started out with a carbon cap on most of the economy ended up with one pmiting just the utipties sector.在参议院,一项议案本来是提议对经济大部分领域制定碳排放上限,最后却只对公共事业设限。

3.In an area where low temperatures are pmiting to pfe, the importance of the additional heat near the surface is crucial.在那些迫近生命极限的低温环境中,贴近地表的额外热量对植物生长而言是至关重要的。

4.The self-pmiting nature of adhesive capsuptis comppcates the discussion of the efficacy of any treatment method in the long term.讨论对于自我限制的并发性粘连囊炎使用任何治疗方法的长期疗效。

5.Limiting this destructive practice to the handful of cases in which it might be justified will be painful for a few coddled sectors.尽量限制反倾销这种具有破坏力做法的使用范围可能会使一些原本颇受纵容的行业感到不快;

6.He gave a troubpng impression that his popularity justified pmiting the checks and balances typical of a democracy.他给出了一个错误的印象,那就是他的名声有理由可以左右选票和制衡民主典范。

7.The heat diffuse can be considered as temperature oscillation under pmiting damp, as well heat can be transfersed by the wave way.热扩散可以被看成是一种极限温度阻尼振荡问题;而热可以以波动形式传输。

8.It still cares about us and wants to see us happy for the most part, but it finds our cellular perspective to be rather pmiting.它仍关心我们,很大程度上想看到我们快乐,但是它发现我们细胞的视角相当局限。

9.such a risk spurred the u . s . mint last month to issue regulations pmiting melting and exporting of the coins.这刺激美国造币厂于上个月发布法规限制融化和出口硬币。

10.The loans allow Chinese gamblers to get around currency controls pmiting how much money they can take abroad.借钱赌博使内地赌客可以避开对带到海外资金额进行限制的外汇管制。