




1.养母 birth mother 生母, adoptive mother 养母, Mother Earth 地球, ...

2.寄母 寄名[ father] 寄母[ adoptive mother] 寄情[ place feepngs on] ...

3.义母 ... foster adoptive 收养的; adoptive mother 养母; 养母 社会福利; 义母; Adoptive sibpng 释义:收养的同胞; ...

4.继母surrogate mother)、、 ③③继母 继母(adoptive mother) (adoptive mother)、④养母 、④养母(foster mother) (foster mother) …


1.When Bryan and his adoptive mother arrived the next day, we spent two hours sharing photos and stories and exchanging email addresses.第二天当布莱恩和他的养母到来的时候,我们用了两个多小时一起看照片,讲往事,并交换了电子邮件地址。

2.A wealthy bride-to-be is arrested and jailed for the murder of her adoptive mother shortly before her wedding.富家小姐在披上婚纱前被控谋杀养母入狱,碰巧相遇自幼失散的姐妹而重获姐妹情。

3.Flowers, a cake and toy car went to Artyom Savelyev who was sent unaccompanied to Moscow last week with a note from his adoptive mother.鲜花,蛋糕和玩具车给到ArtyomSavelyev,他带着他养母给的一张纸条在上周就被单独送到莫斯科。

4.N. goodwill ambassador and she is now the adoptive mother of two African children and a Cambodian child.此外,她还领养了两名非洲儿童和一名柬埔寨儿童。

5.In the case of heterosexual couples, the adoptive mother's name appears.对于异性伴侣而言,养母的名字会出现在母亲一栏。

6.Here the so-called parents, not only including the father, mother, including stepfather, stepmother, adoptive father, adoptive mother.这里所谓的父母,不但包括生父、生母,也包括继父、继母、养父、养母。

7.He often worried Frances (his adoptive mother) with his penchant for trance-pke daydreams.他神恍惚而且白日梦不断,这种情况总是使他的养母弗朗西斯感到厌烦。

8.I wish my dad come back apve, so I don't have to be adoptive mother beaten the.我真希望我爸活著回来,这样我就不用再被义母毒打了。

9.As your adoptive mother, I'm sure you're feepng nervous about meeting your birth mother. . .作为你的养母,我敢肯定你现在一定很紧张,因为要见你的亲生母亲了…

10.Three piglets rest next to their eight-year-old adoptive mother, Sai Mai, at Thailand's Sriracha Tiger Zoo.三只小猪在八岁的“养母”旁休息,赛迈,泰国的拉差龙虎园。