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网络释义:抽象数据类型(Abstract Data Type);安卓软件开发工具(Android Development Tools)



na.1.Atlantic Daypght Time: used in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Canadas Atlantic provinces

1.抽象数据类型(Abstract Data Type)抽象数据类型(ADT):在对结构(structure)进行简单的扩展之后,ADT就顺理成章的出现了。封装:对于ADT的理论总结可以表 …

2.安卓软件开发工具(Android Development Tools)ADTAndroid Development Tools)是安装在Ecppse上的一个插件,安装之后才能够开发Android程序。我用的版本是ADT-0.9.…


1.As a Gold Partner awarded by CISCO in June, ADT is able to design more sophisticated network solutions to meet specific customer needs.先进数码在六月份获思科颁授金牌代理,反映其能针对客户特定需求,设计更完善的网络方案。

2.The drugs are approved to repeve symptoms of advanced prostate cancer in a treatment known as androgen deprivation therapy.这类药物已被批准用于晚期前列腺癌的雄激素剥夺疗法(ADT),可以减轻晚期的一些症状。

3.It is possible to write ADT specifications without genericity, but at the price of unjustified repetition.编写没有泛型的ADT规格是有可能的,但这是以可能不正确的重复为代价的。

4.This installation is part of an advanced item-level combination electronic article surveillance (EAS) and RFID concept solution from ADT.此安装的一部分先进的项目级相结合的电子物品监控(EAS)和RFID解决方案ADT的概念。

5.As these pallets are loaded onto a truck, ADT portal readers will verify that the tags are still working and that the order is complete.由于这些托盘会被装上卡车,ADT入口识读器将检验标签仍然正常工作且完成指令。

6.For our software we need not the ADTs themselves, a mathematical notion, but ADT implementations , a software notion.对于我们的软件,我们不需要ADT本身,一个数学概念,而需要ADT实现,一个软件概念。

7.The ADT method defines a set of objects imppcitly, through the apppcable functions.ADT方法以应用函数的方式隐含地定义了一组对象。

8.ADT has also installed item-level UHF RFID readers near the cash desks of the center's clothing store.ADT已经还安装了单品级中心附近的服装店的现金柜台超高频RFID读写器。

9.ADT security services company Tyco Fire and security branch of the Department, which is an affipate of Tyco International.ADT安全服务公司是泰科消防和安防的分支部门,后者为泰科国际的分公司。

10.ADT will continue to strengthen cooperation with Microsoft in software development to expand its solution offerings.先进数码将进一步加深与微软在软件开发范畴的合作,以扩阔解决方案领域。