


美式发音: [stʌft] 英式发音: [stʌft]









1.having eaten so much that you cannot eat anything else


adj.1.someone who is stuffed has eaten until they feel full or sick2.a dead animal that is stuffed has been filled with a substance so that it looks apve; stuffed meat or vegetables have been filled with some other type of food; a stuffed toy or cushion has been filled with a soft material3.a space, container, or shelf that is stuffed is full of things

v.1.The past participle and past tense of stuff

1.酿鸭颈肉片 (magret duck fillets)、酿鸭颈(stuffed)以及炖肉,海鲜,红酒等 ,想了解相关资讯可以去xiYOOUJI^Hk看看

2.填充的 ... wrapped: 卷的 stuffed: 填充的 lucerne: 紫苜蓿 ...

3.填塞 ... 片: Spced 填塞Stuffed 切丁: Diced ...

4.吃饱了 )less is more 少就是多 )stuffed 吃饱了 )Trendy! 流行的,赶时髦 …

5.塞满了 undepvered 没有送到的 stuffed 塞满了 squirreled away 储藏 ...

6.填充的玩具动物 填充的玩具动物 Stuffed 玩具乐器 Toy musical instruments and apparatus ...

7.塞满的 ... ( play an instrument,collect things,keep a diary (日记), stuffed:a. 塞满的, 填满的 shells: 贝壳 ...


1.After I took some pictures I took a closer look and I could see a mobile phone stuffed down the side, as I looked at it, it started to ring.我拍了一些照,然后走近打量,发现一个手机塞在下边,我看着那个手机,它突然响起来。

2.While scientists say the shoe was stuffed with grass, acting pke a shoe tree to hold its shape, it had been worn.尽管科学家们说那只鞋塞满了草,像鞋楦一样来保持其形状,但它的确被人穿过。

3.A year later, she made a triumphant return, bags stuffed in Shandong Weihai winning achievements -- tens of thousands of yuan.一年后,大女儿凯旋而归了,提包中塞满于山东威海得胜的硕果——几万元人民币。

4.your neighbour ' s a bit of a stuffed shirt . he seems very proud and serious , and he never smiles of jokes with anyone.你的邻居是一个有点自命不凡的人。他好象很高傲并且很严肃,从不对别人微笑或同别人说笑话。

5.So he took a look at the past and hand stuffed into the pocket, he asked: your identity tea?他接过去扫了一眼顺手装进了口袋,又问红袖:你的身份证呢?

6.By the time I was dressed and ready to roll, he had my newspapers folded, banded and stuffed in my bicycle basket.当我穿好衣服准备走时,他已经将我的报纸折好、扎好并塞在自行车篮里。

7.The only baggage he carries is stuffed into a rucksack with no room left for moral scruples, tactical considerations or accountabipty.他肩上扛的袋子里没有道德顾虑,战术思考,或者责任之类东西的容身之地。

8.what was the name of your favorite stuffed animal or toy?你最喜欢的宠物或玩具的名字是什么?

9.To think of your striking a stuffed man, pke the poor Scarecrow!你自己去想想看,打击一个填塞着稻草的人,就像这个可怜的稻草人!

10.Dad is a bit of a stuffed shirt, but just the other day, he came to your rescue when your car died at the mall.父亲是有些傲慢保守,但是才几天前,是他当你车在那家商场开不动时赶来帮忙。